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Dela Fri . . . what?!

Welcome to our adventures!!

After having a pretty crappy 2012, we made a resolution to have more adventures.  We are trying out a blog as a way to document these adventures as well as to share them with you.

So what’s with the name?  What’s a Dela and what the frick are Frijoles?

Dela loosely translated in Spanish = give her
Frijoles in Spanish = beans

When we were in Mexico last time, one of B-rod’s catch phrases at the time was “giver beans”.  We were on a tour and B asked the guide how to translate this.  He came up with Dela Frijoles.  The other guy on the tour thought it was hilarious, the guide didn’t get it.  We’ve been using it ever since.

So . . . . . let our adventures begin – Dela Frijoles!!

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