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Hungry Much?

For the project I am doing, I am working with a Korean guy here named CH.  CH regularly expresses his concern for me in regards to 2 things.  First, he probably feels my jacket at least once a day and comments on how thin it is and how concerned he is that I am going to get sick.  The second thing he comments on is how skinny I am and how I need to eat more.  Being part Filipino, I have definitely been exposed to having someone insisting that I eat more even after I assure them that the 2 full plates of food they have made me eat are in fact enough (sound familiar Auntie Betty?)  I’m not used to it coming from someone who is not much older than me and calls me “Sir” though!  I am grateful, however, for the variety of Korean food he is exposing me to.  I will definitely miss the food when I go home.

Lunch with CH and Mr. Choi (the other guy that is currently in the office)

Lunch round 1
Lunch round 2
At a food stand about 1.5 hours after lunch.  At least I got to eat
Dukbokki (the red stuff) – a Korean food that I really enjoy, but I haven’t
been able to find in Canada.
Preparing the eel (round 2 of food stand eating)
Actually not too bad, but I had a hard time getting over the texture and look.
Later in the day, CH took me on a bike ride to take me to the mall.  Here
he bought the following items which he gave me as a gift : )

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