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Winding Down

Today was pretty much about checking for any glitches in the project.  I spent the morning looking for errors in the reading panels (the outlines that will be shown along the videos) and starting to watch some of the lectures (ugh! watching yourself on screen is a bit weird).  The afternoon I had off.  CH suggested I go to the harbour which would have been nice, but it was pretty much pouring rain here all afternoon.  So, I bought a $2 umbrella and made the trek to one of the shopping centers here.  Think Walmart, Superstore or Winners spread out over 4 BIG floors.  At one point a song came on the intercom and all the workers came out into the aisles and started doing some kind of dance? exercise? action game?  I just know there was a bunch of hand clapping, knee slapping, twisting and bowing.
Tonight I was invited over to CH’s house for a good ol home cooked Korean meal.  He has two daughters – one is 2 and the other is 9.  The 2 year old would cry every time she looked in my direction and we made eye contact.  It was pretty funny.  I felt bad though because her mom had to sit with her on the couch while we ate the delicious meal she had just made – the daughter was getting nowhere near me, and she wasn’t going to let her mom come close to me either!  She did bow to me as I left though – probably figured it would make me get out of her space a lot faster! 
Last night I went for dinner with Rick.  When I first started working on this project, I was connected with Rick and CH.  I’m not really sure of Rick’s role, but am assuming he is the “business guy”.  It very much felt like a business/networking type of dinner.  We went to a place where we had our own little room, several courses of food, and we had two ladies assigned to us who were in charge of serving us.  It was good to meet Rick, and it was definitely a nice gesture, but give me a street food lunch with CH and Mr. Choi any day!    

I came across this yesterday.  It appears to be a course which is used to teach bike safety/rules.  I thought it was a bit ironic as the students we have had in Medicine Hat who had bike accidents were usually Korean!

bike course complete with traffic lights, bus stop and round about

The “twisting” portion of the mall dance
The view outside CH’s window.  This is pretty much the same view I had outside my window when I lived in Korea!

CH and his family
Lunch – I’m really going to miss Korean side dishes!

I wasn’t even tempted to order the roasted spam.

“buisness” dinner with Rick
Buisness dinner complete with gold wine glasses
That’s more like it!

One Comment

  1. How can roasted spam look so much like flying fish roe? Or chicken teriyaki?

    The bike safety thing looks exactly like "Safety City" here that teaches road safety to six-yr-olds on mini quads. As Beth goes for her Learners next week, she still remembers the safety she learned there. Hit 'em while they are spunges!

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