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Closer to Home. . . the Great Sand Hills

I’m not really sure what we were thinking or talking about, but this morning we decided we’d rip out to Liebenthal and go to the Great Sand Hills. I hadn’t been there since I was 18 or so (a while ago I suppose), and RB had never been. It’s only 1.5 hours away, so first thing this morning (well, 11 am, but it was the first thing after making waffles for breakfast), we headed out. It wasn’t a great weekend weather wise, but today was looking like it was going to be ‘a mix of sun and clouds’. Just yesterday, I headed out on the bike for a ride, and was soaked within the first 20 minutes since I headed straight into the path of a thunder shower, but I was feeling a little blue, so I felt like I deserved it.

Once we got to the dunes and headed down the path, the skeeters came out and began eating me alive. It was hard to outrun them since we were walking down wind, but RB seems to be immune, so I booted it to the safety of the sand.

RB kicked off her shoes, and broke out into some old school cheerleading, so I had to prove I could still get myself off the ground as well.
 Then came some prerequisite Yogurt poses.


On the way out, we passed some old farm houses, and RB thought she’d like to have a look. I had spotted one that I thought we could come back too, but leaving the Sand Hills, we found a better one.



It would be pretty miserable out here in the winter.


The old barn had some nice decorative tin in the windows.


We saved the tour of the house until the end. I used to like going out to abandoned farm houses, and it is best to enter slowly and make a little noise, otherwise the odd bird inside will scare the snot right out of you.   (RB however, was more concerned about possible ghosts!)


I searched a little, and after believing it was a hawk, the eyes didn’t seem right. A little more digging has me thinking it is actually an owl.


This picture was taken just moments after a bird (not a ghost) dropped out of a small hole in the living room ceiling and flew out the broken window. It sent RB running for the door (she wasn’t going to face no ghost), but I called her back.  Don’t know that she’ll be going to another abandoned farmhouse with me though.




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