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Trip FAQs

I’m halfway there . . . . well sort of.  I’ve made it to Seattle and completed 2 out of my 4 flights today.  I’m currently on my 5 hour layover in Seattle before my long haul flight to Seoul.  2 hours in Seoul (where I hopefully have time to take advantage of the free showers!!) then off to Manila.

I can’t believe I’m finally making this journey!  It looks a bit different than how it did when I first envisioned it.  My original vision involved going to India, doing yoga and B-Rod meeting me to do some traveling.  However, in the spring B-Rod got some job news that was both good and bad.  It will be really good when he gets the “official” call, but this means he has to be close to home because the call could come at any time.  For me part of going to India was experiencing it with B-Rod.  So, India will have to wait for now.

I’ve had some interesting reactions when I have told people that I am off to the Philippines for 3 months to do yoga, and have been asked some of the following questions.

What about work?
I have taken a leave of absence for the semester.

Why are you doing this?  
Simple answer . . . . . because I’m fortunate and I can.
More complicated answer . . . . . I’m not 100% sure myself.  The possibility of doing this program really excited me, so I decided to just go for it because (see simple answer) I can!

What are you running away from?
I admit this idea was born because I wanted to escape.  When the seed of taking a leave was beginning to be planted, there were various issues that were affecting me emotionally (yes I’m being vague . . . . . remember the issues I have with sharing?)  It’s funny how a year can change perspective.  I’m in a much better head space and to me this feels more like an adventure and an exciting opportunity than running away from anything.

Are you having a mid-life crisis?
Yeah, probably.  It is the big 4-0 in a couple of months and I have been dreading it for quite awhile.  But, where would I rather be when it actually hits?  In the Philippines doing yoga or in Medicine Hat working?  I think I made the right decision!

Is your marriage ok?  Will it survive this separation?
My relationship with B-Rod began as a long distance thing and remained that way for a couple years.  If we survived that, I’m sure we’ll survive 3 months!!  He has wanted me to do something like this for years and has been nothing but supportive.  We will miss each other like crazy, but we’re not worried at all, so you shouldn’t be either!

Why the Philippines?  Why this program?
I’m going to be studying the Chakra system, so looking at more of the energetic, scientific aspects of yoga.  I took a Chakra yoga series in the Hat and loved it, and found a Chakra program in the Philippines that coincided with my leave (turns out it is the program my teacher in  Medicine Hat took)  Felt like it was  where I needed to go.

Are you going to be a yoga teacher?
Maybe.  Or maybe not.  That isn’t my  focus at the moment.

These are the main questions I can think of that I’ve been asked.  Got any more?  Let me know : )

I will be in Manila for the next couple of days spending time with cousins, then I am off to Palawan and the village of Port Barton where I will spend the next 3 months.  This really is about a personal journey for me more so than it is a travel trip, so I’m not really sure what I will have to post.  We’ll see.  I’ve already been told by one friend that I better post something, and when she gives me “homework”, I do it : )


  1. Way to go on the homework! Next homework… eat so many Philippino mangos you think you might puke. And ride a jeepney.
    Looking forward to hearing more about your adventure!!!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous



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