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Island Hopping

Our weekends here are Friday and Saturday.  We were talking about how we’ve come here to learn and enjoy being in class, but we still get really excited about the weekends – I guess old habits die hard!

The main tourist activity in Port Barton (besides lying on the beach and not doing much of anything) is island hopping.  The beach is lined with boats at the moment as there aren’t a lot of tourists here.  Joy met a guy named Jerry who has a boat, so we decided to go island hopping for something to do.  We met on Friday, so that if the weather turned out to be bad we could reschedule for Saturday.  Things looked all good in the morning, so we were off for a day on the boat.  
We stopped a couple of times at reefs to go snorkeling, then we went to a few islands.  We went back to German island for lunch, then to Exotic Island (a deserted island where we had to pay 50 pesos each – not sure what for, there was no one on the island!) for more snorkeling, wandering and just vegging out.  Our last stop we didn’t want to pay for another deserted island, so we ended up on a free one.  Not as nice, but still beautiful in its own way.  The day ended off with sailing back to Port Barton as the sun set.  I was definitely grateful for the amazing day!
Jerry (in the white) was the one who arranged the boat.  He was going to take us, but then he got another job taking out some scuba divers.  Joy liked him because of his big smile : )
Our driver (I can’t remember his name) is Jerry’s cousin.
The view as we are sailing along.
The snorkeling was really good.  Saw some really cool fish and coral.
At German Island for lunch.  We’re all doing the brown rice fast at the moment, so that was my portion for the rest of the day (I’ll tell you about that later, as I heard someone is curious about it!)
We passed by a village on one of the islands on our way to Exotic Island.
I’m not really sure what this is.  Does somebody live here?
The view from Exotic island.  Someone lives on the adjacent island.  They seem to be the only ones there.
The ocean colors were amazing!
This is the life!
Towards Port Barton it was pretty cloudy (we heard it rained while we were gone), but in our area conditions were perfect!
The girls (and Jack) enjoying Exotic Island!
Our last stop at the free island.
The guys were searching (and found) these big fat worms that they said were good.  Forgot to take a picture, but they did not look good.  I guess I’ve eaten worse things!
A Friday afternoon spent exploring some amazing beaches . . . . whose the luckiest girl at this moment?


One Comment

  1. Anonymous Anonymous

    Hi RB, finally got caught up with your adventures. Keep posting, it looks amazing and strange all at once. Think about you daily, although probably when you are sleeping. 🙂 I saw Farren at Heal the Hat and gave her your blog address, so she can keep tabs too. Gino and Danni had their baby this weekend, but she's in NICU, don't know the fully story. Susan

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