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Yoga Program Week 1

The first week of the program has ended.  It’s been a bit of a weird experience so far.  It is very laid back and half the time we don’t know what’s going on!  I met one student (my neighbour with her 2 kids) before the classes started, but we had no idea who else would be with us or even what time or where the course started.  On the first day there were 5 of us, and a 6th person joined us on the second day.  There are rumours of 2 more coming, so I guess we’ll see.  As it stands right now though there are only 2 of us doing the full 3 months.  Maybe that will change as the course goes along?  Like I said . . . . . . it’s been a bit weird.  We all seem to be feeling the same way though, so it’s nice to not be going through that alone.
The yoga has been good though.  It is definitely different than what I do at home.  At home I’m more focused on the physical, power side of yoga.  Here it’s very gentle, starting from the basics and looking at all the branches of yoga, not just the asanas (physical poses).  Right now we’re working on pranayama (breath work), and we’ll be moving onto other aspects that I don’t focus on as much when I practice at home.  Let’s see what week 2 brings!
I’ve been having coconuts most morning for breakfast.  I’ve been a bit disappointed by the lack of fruit here, but at least they have coconuts.
Our teacher, David, has a place further up in the jungle.  We’ve been doing classes mostly at our place in town.  On Thursday night, he invited us up to his place for class and dinner.  So, we had to all pile into his truck to make the trek up there.  
David’s place is still in the construction phase.  It will eventually be 3 stories, but for now he has an amazing yoga space on the 2nd floor.

One Comment

  1. You have been there over a week and your the darkest person in all the photos….your in the Philippines right?

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