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And Then There Were Three

Three weeks left in the course and we’re down to three students.  Paolo left yesterday to catch a flight to Thailand where he is taking a Thai massage course and starting his next adventure.  Donelle – the Filipino Canadian student who showed up suddenly, has just as suddenly left.  He went to El Nido during the last week of the teacher training course and was going to join us for the healing course, but no one has heard or seen him since!  The Malaysian couple (Tong and Sara) arrived, but Tong could only stay for one week, so he also flies out tomorrow leaving Sara with us for the next 3 weeks.  To add to this Marcy, Kirsti’s nanny has left to visit her family in other parts of the Philippines.  So, 3 weeks, 3 women and 2 children still standing!!

I had one last meal with Paolo on his last night at a place called Jambalaya.  Their food is really good, the people are super nice, but it’s a little bit more expensive than other places in town.  Paolo has become good friends with the owners and has taught them some yoga, so he wanted to have his last meal there to say goodbye.  We were both a bit glad that it ended up being an adult night as both of the kids have been sick and hacking up a storm and for some reason they haven’t been taught to cover their mouths when they are spewing out germs!  Paolo didn’t stay at Deep Gold, and he often had his own thing going on, but we got along really well and I learned so much from him.  I’m going to miss his presence.
Everyone headed to Puerto Princessa this weekend.  Kirsty and the boys visas have expired, so they had to deal with that.  Paolo and Tong have to catch flights and Sara wanted to see Tong off.  I won’t lie when I say that I was a bit happy to see the truck with everyone in it leave Deep Gold.  I’m REALLY looking forward to a quiet weekend of doing not much but swimming, vegging on the beach, reading and occassionally walking up to the restaurant for some food!!  Now hopefully the weather cooperates.  
The girls here at Deep Gold have been super.  I think they were a little bit worried about me being lonely when Joy and Danielle left.  They’ve been teaching me Tagalog, and sitting and visiting with me in their free time. After the truck pulled out to leave for Puerto (and I did my little happy dance), I taught one of the girls (Ping) some yoga (she really wants to do headstand!), and then we went swimming and sat on the beach having a beer.  I definitely feel like I live here and am not just some guest that is staying for a few days.
I’ve really been making an effort to focus on living in the present and appreciating what is in front of me NOW – I’ve been “good” in the past about worrying about what is going to happen in the future.  Again, maybe it’s because people keep leaving that I’m starting to think about what I’m going to do at the end of the course.  Turns out there may be another adventure in store for me!!  Plans are in the works and things should be finalized by Monday, so . . . . . you’ll have to stay tuned to find out more : )
Paolo and I with Juna (a family member of one of the owners, who is basically running the restaurant right now) at Jambalaya.
Juna was a student of Paolo’s, so we had to break out into yoga, and . . . . . 
. . . . . some fun : )
Marcy also left recently.  Marcy is AWESOME and I will really miss having her around.
Hangin with the Deep Gold Girls.
Ping and I enjoying a cold one after a yoga lesson and swim.  Yeah!!  There’s still someone here to share a beer with!!

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