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Birthday Parties Round 2

Yesterday was Paolo’s birthday.  The second out of the 3 birthday celebrations in our small group.  I was texting with my cousin in Manila yesterday and I didn’t realize his birthday is also in November!  Seems to be a popular birthday month!

Paolo decided for his birthday he wanted to do 108 sun salutations (only a yogi would ask to do this on his birthday!)  I was the only one that had done it before, so I lead it by basically just providing music and keeping track of our rounds.  It is a great way to start the day (if anyone is interested) and we created a great energy (of course doing it on a beautiful, clear morning right next to the ocean probably helped a lot).
I had also made a plan with Paolo to do a rebirthing session.  The cool thing about the people I am with is a lot of us have taken energy work courses, so we can share the things we have previously learned.  Paolo was offering to do rebirthing sessions with us and as I hadn’t heard of it before I was game to give it a try.  I went in with no expectations and had a totally intense experience.  I won’t get into it all here – if you’re interested, you can ask me about it later – but I’ll just say I absolutely felt the energy flowing.  When I took my Reiki courses earlier this year, I felt a subtle energy flow, but this was full on energy.  It was pretty crazy and a definite experience.
So, I was pretty drained after that and 108 sun salutations, but still managed to make it to the birthday dinner at sunset where we had an amazing pizza and another cake made by Mama Spice.  Pretty good start to the weekend!
Birthday boy ready for his “present”
Counting system to keep track of our rounds.  12 sets of 9.
We did it!!
Now let’s have some fun!!
Mmmmmmmm ZA!!
Birthday boy, Mama Spice and the amazing chef.

One Comment

  1. Anonymous Anonymous

    Hi Rox, it's Shirley. Just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed reading your blog. Also wanted to say happy birthday to you and just know that your next year will be an amazing one!!

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