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Closure & New Beginnings

I’m currently on the plane and have officially just left the Philippines. I am somewhere over the ocean between The Philippines and Taiwan. I’m very lucky to be off on another adventure, and am so thankful that I had the opportunity (and I allowed myself) to go on this journey in the first place.  It doesn’t feel like I’ve been gone for 3 months, but I feel like I’ve learned and experienced quite a bit.  Too much to really get into here, but some things I am bringing back with me:

– I am really suited for tropical weather.  A few conversations came up about how Vata types (in Ayurvedic  medicine) really thrive in this environment. I can attest to this!  I’ll have to see how I can spend more time in it : )

– the importance of the breath.  Yes, it’s stressed in yoga, but I haven’t been exposed to it in my practice like I was in this program. Deep breathing in an environment with fresh, clean air really brings up a lot of “stuff”, but helps to clear you out. 

– different perspectives on many different things 

– seeing people living different lifestyles and realizing you don’t have to fit with the norm if you don’t want to

– the knowledge that I don’t have everything figured out, I don’t have to, and it’s ok (B-Rod has been trying to get me to learn this lesson for years!!)

– it’s all about the experience!

– yoga is a lot more than just doing poses – If anyone wants to chat about chakras or quantum theory & it’s affect on health, have a reiki session, learn breathing techniques, mind/focus techniques, yoga poses, or yoga chiketsa (spinal therapy), I am now qualified or have some knowledge or basic understanding!  

On this New Year’s Eve my theme for the upcoming year (I gave up New Year’s resolutions last year) is “Closure & New Beginnings” (this actually came up during one of my practices). My theme for last year was “Trust” – I’m just realizing now these themes could relate to the 1st & 2nd chakras!!  So, goodbye Philippines, I will see you again soon. Hello Hawaii, B-Rod and a different adventure/experience. I’m so excited!!

Came across this in a book when I was at BK. Felt it applied to me and what I need to remember when I get home, as I know returning home will be a different kind of “adventure” … Dela frijoles!!


  1. Maybe DawnO can pull some strings at the studio and get you teaching, hmmm? See you soon. I'm at the terminal and about to start heading your way. See you in the middle.

  2. Feliz Año Nuevo! Looking forward to catching up when we're both home! There are so far 18 of us streaking!!

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