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It’s Time : (

Last day of the yoga progam today.  We did a half day and then David headed off to Puerto.  His partner’s mother (in Puerto) ended up in the hospital this week, so he went to join her there.  We kind of felt bad that he had to deal with us instead of going up with her when it happened earlier in the week.  It sounds like she will be ok though and she wants to start doing yoga once she is out of the hospital!

Even though I would love to stay here, I am getting signs that it is time for me to go.  The biggest one is the fact that I was just told I have to move to one of the cottages in the back tomorrow night for my last night here : (  It was my understanding that I had my place until the 21.  Turns out it is a day earlier, and everything else is booked. So instead of taking pictures tomorrow night and whining about how my view has been downgraded (such first world problems!) and comparing the different views, I’m just going to look at a few of the things I appreciate about my time here and what I will miss.
– my view and accessibility to the ocean (even though the waves have been pretty strong the past few nights  and my place has been shaking!)
– the girls here and the friends I’ve made
– the fresh air with plenty of prana : ) – which came in pretty handy for the amount of breathing I’ve been doing
– not having to wear shoes even when I go out to go shopping around town!!
– the bright stars and coming out in the middle of the night to lie in a hammock just to look up at them
– my almost daily swims in the ocean
– letting loose at karaoke & having dance parties
These and many more are things that I will miss about Port Barton and Deep Gold, but I am so thankful for this experience!  Who knows . . . . maybe I will be in Port Barton again someday soon!
Had a yoga get together with David last night and then tonight we were told that there was going to be a dance party.  The manager returned from Japan today (he’s been gone almost a month), and we’re thinking his return may have been a surprise.  The girls seem to be a lot more formal and reserved now that he is back, and the dance party we were told about never did materialize.  No more dance parties is another sign it’s time to move on!  
So, this will be my last post from Port Barton as I plan to spend the majority of my time in the ocean and on the beach tomorrow (please, please, please no rain!), then I’m off to Puerto Princesa with Kirsty and Sara on Saturday.  They both fly out on Monday the 23rd, but I don’t actually leave Puerto Princesa until the 28th.  What am I up to for all of that time?  Guess you’ll have to check back to find out more ; )
Goodbye porch view . . . . . I will REALLY miss you!

Supper celebration complete with Pina Coladas (fuzzy picture as my camera has been acting up)
Last night up at David’s house on the sound chair – ask me about that one . . . . it’s pretty cool.

Our last class together.
Certificate time : )
David’s Angels : )
Me and the Port Barton guru.
Need to have some standard pics of a yogi doing yoga : )

I did it!!

One Comment

  1. travel safe, my friend. looking forward to seeing you again!

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