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Last Man Standing

Got into Puerto Princesa on Saturday.  It was sad to say goodbye to Port Barton, the Deep Gold girls, and the ocean.  But, onto new adventures and other experiences.  It would have been kind of nice to spend Christmas there, but I have visa issues that I have to deal with, so I decided to just make my way to the big city with the rest of the yoga gang.  Sara’s flight out was on the next day, so it was my goodbye to her when we dropped her off at her hotel.  Today I went on a tour of the underground river with Kirsty and the boys.  From there she did last minute things around town before they headed off to the airport for an evening flight.  So, I am the last of my yoga classmates left in the Philippines.

Tomorrow I deal with my visa and then I am off for a few days to Bahay Kalipay.  A yoga/healing center here in Puerto Princesa.  I had come across their website before coming to the Philippines and thought it sounded interesting.  So, since I’m here I thought I would check it out.  It will be nice to spend Christmas in a community of sorts.  Funny how I keep forgetting that it actually is Christmas in a few days.  They are a raw food community, so no big turkey dinners for me, but I’m looking forward to trying out some raw food meals – don’t worry B-Rod, we’re not going raw when I get home.  You can keep the hot dog machine you got for Christmas already (not a present from me I will add!)
The underground river was pretty interesting.  Unfortunately the tour guide we had wasn’t very good, the weather was crappy – the only day we’ve had sun in the last few days is the day we spent driving from Port Barton to Puerto – and my camera has been acting up, so not a lot of great shots, but I’m glad we did it.  It was also kind of fun to do it with the boys.  It was nice to have a good last day with them before they left.  
Saying our goodbyes
Goodbye Port Barton : (
I won’t miss this part of the road, but . . . . . 

. . . . . I will miss this view.

In Sabang – where the underground river is.
Waiting for our turn to get on one of the boats.
We’re on boat #51.
Amazing scenery.
Going from a motorized boat to a paddle boat via a forest pathway.
We were warned that these monkeys would snatch things from us and to be careful.  I was thirsty and got out my water bottle only to be startled when a monkey jumped on me just as I was taking a sip.  It didn’t get my water bottle, but it did scare the crap out of me!!
We’re ready for the tour!
Entrance to the cave.
Inside the cave.
Did I mention this is a popular tourist destination?
Bye boys.  You won me over in the end and I’m really going to miss you!

One Comment

  1. Hot dog machine?!?! Hey Brian, maybe you should bring that when you come over tonight! Rox, missed you at the 108 Sun Sals yesterday… Looking forward to seeing you soon!

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