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A Few More Firsts

If you have been following my adventure, you know that a big part of this journey has been to experience new things.  With B-Rod on board, we have continued with this mission.  In the past few days, a few of our first time experiences have included:

  • a birthday in Hawaii
  • seeing an eel in its natural environment
  • seeing turtles in their natural environment
  • swimming in a lava tube
  • eating spam musubi
  • going to a luau (well . . . . I’ve been before, but it was a first for B-Rod)
On the day of Brian’s birthday, we decided to go see the Captain Cook monument which my uncle Larry had recommended.  We parked the rental car on the side of the road with the other rental cars and made the hike down 3.2 km/ 1300 vertical feet to the site.  What we didn’t really know at the time was how steep the walk would be, but if uncle Larry recommended it, we had to go.  We got to the bottom, set up shop and did some snorkelling where we saw lots of cool things (among them being an eel!!)  Just as we were getting ready to go a boat full of people on a tour arrived to snorkel in the same spot – our good timing of avoiding the crowds continues.  The way up was a bit gruelling, and when we got back to the house, Larry was shocked to hear we had done the hike.  “I recommended you go see it by boat” he said. 
The last few days we’ve pretty much stayed close to home base.  We went to a spot that my auntie Sandi had shown us last week which had a lava tube we could go swimming in.  It was pretty cool, but the highlight in that area ended up being the numerous turtles in the area.  We actually stuck around for a few hours because they were just so fascinating to watch.  The great thing was how few people there were.  Thanks for the local knowledge Larry & Sandi!!
Tonight we went to a luau where we sampled some Hawaiian food and took in a show.  We anticipated it would be pretty cheesy (which it was . . . . dripping with cheese), but we figured it is just something you need to do when you’re in Hawaii.  It was at one of the big hotels, and it really made us appreciate the fact that we get to see Hawaii from a local perspective as opposed to the less real Hawaii that is at the resorts. 
B-Rod’s Birthday

3.2 km . . . . that’s nothing!!

Until you start walking it and see how steep it is.

Had to stop along the way to complete my yoga streak.

Captain Cook monument

Our base for snorkelling.  It was also really good here.  Super cool to see the eel too!

Nice and quiet before the tour boat pulled in.

B-Rod’s birthday dinner . . . .

. . . complete with desert and waiters singing him happy birthday.

The great thing about this island is how you can find some fairly secluded spots.  We have been to some super busy beaches, but this one (which had an abundance of turtles) was one where we saw very few people.


Lava Tube Swimming Hole

It actually goes in quite far, but we didn’t have a flashlight and were too scared to go in any farther.  We just missed the locals who had gone in with all the gear needed to explore further.


Can you find us in the crowd?

Some “lounge” singing going on at the moment . . . bring on the cheese : )

The fire dancer, however was really good.

Other Adventures
B-Rod “helping” Sandi pick some coffee.

Spam musubi . . . . a favourite breakfast item for uncle Larry : )

Introducing B-Rod to young coconut, otherwise known as my breakfast for the past few months.

Another deserted spot we found where we stopped for lunch.

Passionfruit, juice, banana bread from the market & coconut by the ocean . . . . what more could you want?


One Comment

  1. I can only imagine the thought bubbles of the Hawaiians floating in on the pontoon. You should add some!

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