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Happy Father’s Day . . . . . Mom??!!


I’m off on a small adventure today.   I’ll be finishing off this day of work, and then I’m off to San Diego.  I was supposed to be making this trip last year in Aprilish.  At the height of some dark days during the winter a couple of years ago (where an adventure was very much needed) I spontaneously signed up to do a week long retreat at the Chopra Center.  A week of yoga, meditation and just general learning about things to lift me up sounded like exactly what I needed to point me in a better direction.  Unfortunately, the trip never happened as I ended up going to Korea for work.  Fortunately . . . . . . I got to go to Korea AND I ended up having a year full of travel and adventure.  The “other way” I was looking for just seemed to show up.
So, the visit to the Chopra Center has been postponed until now.  I couldn’t seem to find a time where I could go for their week long retreat and as my credit is running out soon I figured I needed to go now.  So instead of a week by myself, I’m going for a weekend with my mom.   
Did we know back then that someday we’d go on an OM-ing adventure together?
I just looked at the calendar the other day and realized that it is Father’s Day this weekend.  Ooooops!!  My dad would probably benefit a little bit more from this program, but I know my mom will appreciate it more.  So, for Father’s Day I’m leaving my dad at home by himself.  Sorry Dad!  However, while I’m flying back to Medicine Hat on Monday to return to work (boo!!), my dad will be flying to San Diego to meet my mom.  They’ll get to explore the area and have fun for a week.  So really . . . . . . I’m giving my dad the opportunity to go on a trip that would have otherwise not have happened.  Happy Father’s Day Dad.  You’re welcome : ) 



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