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Using Our Golden Nuggets

Another adventure has begun.  This time to Asia – B-Rod’s first time!!  

Thanks to B-Rod’s job perks, as of August, we both qualify for zed fares.  Zed fares are basically dirt cheap fares on airlines that have a partnership with B’s company.  From the list, it looks like we should be able to make it anywhere in the world!!  So, with B having pretty much most of the month of October off, we started to come up with a plan of how to use these golden nuggets for the first time.  We threw around a couple of ideas, but in the end we wanted to start off with something that would be relatively easy (as we are newbs to this zed fare thing and don’t know exactly how they work), while still being somewhat of an exotic adventure.  So, we settled on going to the Philippines : )
B thought it would be fun to visit the places that I had been and had fallen in love with.  He was a little worried that I would be disappointed about not going somewhere new.  For me, however, the more I thought about it, the more excited I got and the more it feels like . . . . I’m going home!!!  In fact, when we get to Port Barton, I’ve already arranged for us to stay in my beach side cottage and I am sooooo excited!!  I’m also looking forward to seeing my cousins and their families again and having B meet everyone.  I think for both of us it is going to make for some great adventures.
So, tonight I finished teaching my last yoga class of a series I’ve been teaching and then B-Rod picked me up from the studio and we went directly from there to the airport.  YXH-YYC using airmiles flights, YYC-YVR with B’s company and that is where we find ourselves at the moment.  It is from this point on we will be using zed fares flying from here to Hong Kong and then on to Manila.  It is currently midnight, and the 2AM flight has been delayed to 3:30.  When we last checked in, there was one seat available, but we have been told anything can happen, so we have to go back at 2:30 to see what’s up.  If we don’t make this flight, the one that leaves tomorrow afternoon is wide open, so we’re not concerned about not getting there, we’re just not sure at this point when that will be.  Dela Frijoles!!
Interestingly, our journey at the MH airport started off with some excitement as the guys that I did some work with over in Korea last year came to MH tonight.  I knew they were coming, and was hoping I would get to see them and spend some time with them, but the best I could do was say a quick hello as they got off the plane we were about to board.  It was really nice to see them, especially CH who I worked quite closely with and got along really well with, even if it was only for a brief moment.
Stay tuned to find out if we make it on this first flight : )
Let the adventures begin!!!
Meeting my Korean buddies for a quick hello at the airport, just before we set off on our own flight.
Ah . . . . . the good old MH flight to Calgary.
Killing early morning hours in Vancouver.
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