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Easy Peasy

I’m currently at the airport in Hong Kong for the next 4 hours.  After our last standby experience, I was a little nervous, but this has been a cake walk.  Made it onto an earlier flight to Hong Kong than I planned and was given a boarding pass straight to Vancouver.  Whaaaat?  Noone from Southeast Asia wants to travel to Canada in November.  I definitely feel like the sucker here!!

My last full day in the Philippines was perfect as it was spent at the beach.  We headed to a spot outside of San Carlos with some family and lots of food in tow.  It’s not a Palawan beach, but there was sun, soft sand and we were close to the ocean.   It was really windy, the area out to the water was rocky and it wasn’t really clear, so I didn’t go swimming, but it was all good and I was glad to spend my last day in San Carlos doing this.  I really love the Philippines, and though San Carlos and the Negros area is where my roots are, my heart is definitely in Palawan.  

We spent most of the day at the beach and practiced what I have come to know are the Filippino pastimes.  We sat around and chatted (Putter, think about our Trini limin’ days) and ate lots, and lots, and lots of food.  My uncle Nestor was cracking coconuts like crazy, and I could have had an unlimited supply, but I stopped at around two and a half – just couldn’t stuff anymore in.  I’m finding that with all this feasting, I’m starting to not even enjoy food anymore!

Later in the afternoon, I got a ride with my cousin Pet Pet to Bacolod (a three hour drive) to stay at her house for the night.  We were met by her brother Ronnie and his family who brought over my last meal in the Philippines – Bacolod chicken insala.  Bubot (Ronnie’s wife) said I couldn’t leave Bacolod without trying it.  It was good, and a really nice gesture.

Got up bright and early to catch my flight to Manila and then play my hand at the standby game which has worked out pretty well.  I can’t believe that it is time to go home and to be honest, I’m not looking forward to it.  The hot, humid tropical weather definitely suits my body type better.  Living in Canada does have some perks I suppose, and I know how super lucky I am to have these opportunities to experience other things and places.  B-Rod and I are already talking about our next adventure.  It’s not the Philippines – though I/we will definitely be back (there is a bucket list item that we want to do that involves coming back here, and I’m sure I’ll be back here now and again).  Guess you’ll have to stay tuned to see what we get up to next!

Yeah!!  A day at the beach
It was super windy, but that didn’t stop the kids from getting in (yes . . . . . I was a wussy)
My uncle Nestor craking the coconuts.
Me enjoying the coconuts . . . . . until I just couldn’t anymore!
A very popular Filipino pastime.
FEASTING!  How is everyone in this country not 5,000 lbs?

This wasn’t even everything.  Some people came a little bit later armed with even more food!
Beach day scenes
Hey dive buddy : )  He did actually go in the water to try snorkeling.  He ended up losing one of his fins!
Bye Philippines.  See you again sometime soon : )

One Comment

  1. Anonymous Anonymous

    I'm happy you're coming home! Also very excited to hear about your next adventure… dawnO

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