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Pintaflores … la la la la … Pintaflores

The festival is now over and shops are back to playing Christmas music (which was playing when I arrived here at the beginning of October).  The festival song has been playing so much and so often over the past week though, that I don’t think I’ll ever get this song out of my head.

Festival day began by having breakfast at my mom’s uncle’s beach resort outside of town.  It was nice and quiet, but I find it weird when a beach resort highlights . . . . . swimming at the pool. 


There wasn’t even access to the beach.  It was the morning, so maybe they unlock the gates later in the day, but morning is the time I usually want to be walking on the beach.


So close, yet so far!
Went back to town to wander around and then headed for lunch at that same uncle’s banquet hall, where another meat extravaganza was held.  Headed to find a spot on the street for the parade and the dances.  We set ourselves up by the judges booth, as we were told that this is where the dances would be best.  There were about 3 dance groups that were adults and I was surprised that the rest were all kids.  I’m assuming the adult groups were from other cities, as the kids groups all seemed to have similar themes – they had a princess(?) in some elaborate gown, the dancers all had to do with flowers and at some point during the dance shouted “Pintaflores” and sang the previously mentioned song that won’t leave my head and featured some kind of saint or religious figure.


Getting ready for the event.  





The judges stand
First up was the adult groups
followed by the majority of kids groups
complete with a band, . . . 


. . . . princesses, and . . . 
. . . . saints?


chaos after the parade
After the parade, I headed to the main square.  The dancers were performing again in the auditorium, but it was packed, so I just checked out what was happening out and about.
There were teenagers throwing paint at each other, and just a chance to get up close and personal with the dancers and the props.
And a festival wouldn’t be complete without street food.  Too bad I was/am too stuffed to try anything new.
Yeah!!  Peanuts.  Trust me, they just taste better for some reason in the Philippines.
Boiled eggs?  Mango shake? Corn on the cob? – some snacks that are not only delicious, but somewhat healthy
Today’s my last full day here in the Philippines.  The plan is to head to the beach for breakfast and lunch (and hopefully having access to the beach) and then I head to Bacolod with my cousin.  My flight out is bright and early tomorrow morning and then the adventure begins of taking a few standby flights home.  Let’s see if my journey is as easy as B-Rod’s!


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