So far the course has been interesting and I do think I’m going to learn a lot of new things. The yoga teacher here was also trained by Pyramid Yoga (where I got my training), so it’s kind of nice to have a refresher in that way. Wifi here is weak, and I am at a meditation center, so I guess I’ll try to keep this short and end with some pics.
Full moon in San Pedro. Our next full moon will be the closing of the course.
Around San Marcos – definite different feel than San Pedro.
Amazing view from the boat dock
This is a different launch where people come to swim.
This is where I can shop, and …
… this is where B can shop. They are conveniently next to each other.
Oh yeah … that’s happening at some point!
Home sweet home
My little hobbit place.
My view from bed
Hang out area.
Dining area
Washroom area
Sauna (yes!!), but only on Sundays : (
Herb garden/meditation area
Our schedule of events.
We are encouraged to make our own food, but we’ve still managed to find and have some street eats.
A “smorgasbourg” breakfast in San Pedro
You can never go wrong with tacos
Great post! Maybe in your next post you should talk about the 'great' dinner your friend Dawn made… 😜