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Where’s Rocky?

I’m currently experiencing some warm weather in . . . . . . . . . . . Miami.  

Not exactly where I was hoping I would be, but it’s been a long 24 hours and the sight of a bed and the idea of taking a shower were really starting to appeal to me.  I actually made it in time for the late flight to Guatemala, but it was overbooked with little to no chance of me getting on.  I am, however, already checked in for the morning flight, and the customer service agent said it looked good at the time.  Cross your fingers for me because I don’t really want to spend another night enjoying the warm weather from an airport hotel that is filled with school groups!
Standby travel definitely has to be seen as having an adventure and I’m discovering is something that can’t be taken too seriously.  Basically expect that your plans are going to be f$#@ed up some way or another, and all you can really do is laugh.  This is only the second overseas trip taken using our passes, so I just have to accept that mistakes are going to be made, and they are something we just have to learn from (something I’m not very good at doing in regular life!)  I look forward to the day when we are experts though, and we look back and laugh at these rookie mistakes we made.  On our Philippines trip, the mistake was having no back up plans.  I’ve come in with a few back up plans this time, but quickly learned the next lesson.  Don’t focus on one area and check all areas before you leave home.  While I was sitting in Toronto today, just out of curiosity I looked into another route I could have taken, and possibly should have taken.  The flights appeared to be all clear and there were a lot less of them I would have needed to take.  Ugh.  Guess it’s just time to laugh (and also realize that standby is a crapshoot . . . . . that route could have just as easily fallen flat as well!)
So far I’ve ended up flying from Calgary to Edmonton (Calgary red eye I was originally going to take was full and booked solid) to Toronto to Miami which is where I am at now.  Hopefully my adventure sees me off to Guatemala tomorrow.  Wish me luck!!
Let”s play a game . . . . . who can identify the following airports?
A couple highlights from my day:
Yeah . . . . it’s green . . . . . . and warm!!
Might not be a highlight for you, but I LLLLOOOOOVVVEE oatmeal for breakfast (and I spent the last 24 hours in airports, I enjoyed the little things!)


  1. From where I'm sitting, I find it hard not to chuckle at the follies.

  2. Wowee! I think you did pretty good! Weren't you planning to get to GUA Monday morning? *Bang on!

    Looking forward to seeing you in Pana on Tuesday!! You better have your Aqua Funkys on!

  3. 3rd pic is TO? (Am I the only one playing?)
    Travel safe my friend!

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