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I Regret to Inform You …

Just wanted to give a heads up about the future of this blog – Philippines edition. I’m not sure at this point if it will be continuing. The last post (Puerto Princesa took me 3 days to even be able to publish it – and believe me I was trying!!) As far as wifi here in Port Barton, it’s virtually non existent and when you can get it, it’s super slow. The one I have today is a miracle – I guess it’s hit or miss. There is also only power from 6PM-12AM. This does truly seem to be the last frontier!  Anyways at the moment I am trying to figure out how to even communicate with B-Rod!!  I will try to post something in a week or so because I would love to share pics and I know you are curious. Maybe I will have things figured out by then and will have some sort of routine. At the moment, though Port Barton is nice, there have been a few miscommunication problems and misunderstandings. I am in a place next to another student and she seems to be in the same boat – confused!  Hopefully when the program starts up tomorrow we will get more clarity.  

Until next time (whenever that may be),
PS. B-Rod is up to date on my “activities” at the moment. If you’re really curious, drop him a line. I’m sure he’d love the company/meal/drinks/whatever you can offer him : )


  1. Thinking about you a lot today! Hope things get cleared up and you're on your way to healing the world soon!!!

  2. Now that you are in the Philippines, will you finally get a decent nickname like Lic Lic, Pet Pet or Ping Pong? Go to the old man on the mountain or wherever you have to go to score you one of those nicknames! Glad you made it ok and I hope you will get to post now and then. Take care little buddy!!

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