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Rocky’s off . . . . . .

. . . . . to the Philippines for 3 months!!
One of my friends recently described me as a cat who has many secrets.  These secrets are revealed only when I’m ready to reveal them.  Often, they’re not revealed at all.  I recognized the truth of this when I was talking to another friend a couple of weeks ago.  I started to tell him about my flights to the Philippines when he said “What?  I thought you were going to India?”  Yep, I’m not very good at sharing information!
So, for those of you who may not know, I’m off to the Philippines tomorrow.  This will be my 5th time there.  The first time I went I was 2 years old and I arrived to find a custom made jeepney named after me and my cousin (How cool is that?  Too bad I can’t remember it!)  The last time I was there was 15 years ago on my way home after my teaching stint in South Korea.
Those past trips were all family based trips and while I will see some family while I am there, this is more of a personal journey for me.  Since I will have many hours in planes and airports tomorrow, I’ll fill you in more then.  Today I just want to hang out with B-Rod.

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