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Last Post . . . . . for now

Today pretty much went down how I thought it would.  I packed up to check out and leave my bags at the front desk.  There were some artist workshops places that I hadn’t got to yet and I thought today would be a good day.  Went to go to the first one – they make and sell spices, essential oils, soaps, candles . . . . . . all those things that smell good.  I’m into that.  It looked like it was a bit far away on the map, but I had covered a similar distance when I went to other places on the other side, so I thought I’d tackle it.  What made this route different is it was on a major road with no shade.  Being the stubborn girl that I am, I refused the calls for tuk-tuk rides because I “knew” I was getting close.  Heaven forbid I spend the $2 for someone who knows where they’re going to get me there!  After what seemed like forever, I got there.  Nothing was happening.  I don’t know if I missed it, but everyone just seemed to be sitting around – maybe it was siesta time?  I went into the gift shop and the first thing the salesgirl asked me is how I got there?  She wanted to know if I rode a bike, and then she told me how hot it was outside.  I took that to mean that I was red, sweaty and looking like hell! 
I was not walking back!  Guess how many tuk-tuk drivers were outside waiting?  That’s right none!  After days of tuk-tuk drivers yelling at me to take a ride, there was no one around.  I walked a few hot, sweaty blocks before I finally found one. 
That’s pretty much how the rest of my day went.  Was craving a mango shake, couldn’t find one anywhere close by.  Went to go back to eat at a place I really liked, it was closed, was going to just hang out by the pool, but it rained, planned to go to a yoga class after supper, but service was slow at the place I was eating and it put me too late to make the class, etc., etc.
I ended up going for a massage while it was raining, wandering around a monastery and the markets, and going for another massage since I missed the yoga class and I didn’t feel like wandering around anymore.  I’m now at the airport.  It’s going to be a really long journey.  I fly out of here at 11:30 PM and get into Seoul early in the morning.  Mid morning I fly to Tokyo.   Late afternoon I fly to Calgary and then I have to wait some more hours before catching my flight to the Hat.  All of this is happening in a “day”.  Good times!!  At least it is an adventure – dela frijoles!
So, my friends, see you at home and back on the blog when my/our next travel adventure begins.
One super hot non-shady street!
An artist at one of the workshops hard at work.
His instruments.
At Preah Prohm Rath Monastery, the oldest running monastery in Siem Reap

Thought B might like the motorcycle in there!

Eating at a place with red plastic chairs – why do these places always seem to have the cheapest eats?

Supper = $2.75
Good bye Siem Reap streets.

Good bye tuk-tuk.  See you next time!

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