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Thank You MH

This blog was originally created to document our adventures. Generally it’s about the shorter (or relatively short) travels we take to go somewhere else. Funny how we don’t always realize that everyday mundane life is also an adventure. Ironic really, when one of us considers themselves a yogi! This post will be written from my perspective (RockyBee) as a chapter in our lives comes to a close and it’s only now that I truly realize what a wonderful and amazing adventure it’s been!

Our time in Medicine Hat has been good to us, and there is absolutely no way to capture the essence of the adventure that has been MH over the last 15-16 years. There have been not so good times (medical procedures for both of us, disappointments, frustrations, etc.), but also a lot of good times and wonderful memories (meeting for the first time in this city at a Y2K new year’s get together, buying our first house, getting married, discovering passions, etc.) So, I’ll simply say THANK YOU! Thank you Medicine Hat for being a place where we could comfortably set roots for awhile as we explored, experimented and discovered the kind of life and lifestyle we would like to have. Thank you for the numerous opportunities you have given us to work, find what we’re good at and to make a difference in our own as well as others’ lives. Most of all, thank you for the many amazing people we’ve had the opportunity to make meaningful connections with. Though I appreciate where I grew up, Medicine Hat has become more of a home to me than my own hometown ever was and for that I am deeply grateful.

I’m having a tough time letting go and saying goodbye, so you may ask ‘why are we leaving?’ I wish I had a clearcut answer that was easy to understand (it would make it easier for me too!), but the best I can say is that I know in my heart that it’s time. Numerous signs and nudgings have been pointing in the direction of elsewhere, so elsewhere is the direction we are choosing to go. We will ABSOLUTELY be back to visit, play and possibly work. So, know that this isn’t a final goodbye. It’s simply a ‘until we meet again soon.’ As we leave today to journey onto our next adventure, I look back fondly at some of our fav pics that we’ve taken while here that only slightly capture what this city has been to us.

Thank you MH! Until we meet again . . . . . love ya’!


  1. Dixie Dixie

    Lovely. We will miss you!😍

    • RockyB RockyB

      I’ll miss you lots too!!!

  2. Carol Hintz Carol Hintz

    Thank you Roxanne. Beautiful thoughts and memories. Loved your selection of pics. You will be missed💕

    • RockyB RockyB

      Thank you ❤️ I’ll miss being there and MH too!!

  3. RL RL

    All the best to you both as you move on. Thanks for sharing your travels and a part of your life.

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