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I Heart Port Barton

  Coming back to Port Barton has very much felt like coming home.  So many people from town remember me and are happy to see me back.  A couple of my friends from Deep Gold that aren’t here at the moment (they’re on vacation?  They  don’t work here anymore? . . . . that’s another story) have made special trips into town just to reconnect.  A friend asked me before we left if I thought Port Barton would still hold the magic for me that it had last time . . . . I can say without a doubt that yes, Port Barton will always hold a place near and dear to my heart.  

Today was our last full day here, and it was perfect!  I got up early to head up for another yoga class with my teacher and the teacher training that is currently going on.  I stayed a bit afterwards for tea and a chat and just to touch base and hear about the changes that have happened since I left, and those that are to come.  B-Rod had made arrangements with Jumong, one of our boat drivers from yesterday, to take him for a hike out to the waterfalls.  We went our own ways and met up again in the afternoon.
The weather today was absolutely perfect.  Sunny, warm, good for swim conditions, so that’s pretty much what we did for the rest of the day.  It was a perfect last day here.  We’re off to El Nido tomorrow, and though I’ll miss Port Barton, it is feeling like it is time to move on . . . . . . dela frijoles!

Reconnecting with good friends.

Still craaaaaazy for coconuts

Jumong leading B-Rod through the jungle.  He was concerned that B was sweating and couldn’t quite understand the concept that we are from an area that is dry and cold, not humid and hot.

What did they come across in a tree on the way to the waterfall?

A gigantic bee’s nest

Yeahh!!  B made it!!

This was the day . . . . postcard perfect!

Jumong passed by as B-Rod was swimming and jumped in to join him.  He wasn’t satisfied with floating around though, so . . . . 

. . . . he started doing tricks : )

B is not one to be left behind, so . . . . 

. . . . he tried a few tricks of his own.

On the way into our place, we had a jug filled with water to wash our sandy feet.  

One day we had a little visitor.  Unfortunately this isn’t the only “visitor” we had in our place while we were there.  I’m not going to mention the other ones!

Deep Gold is still the perfect spot to hang out.

B discovered this communal shower that has . . . . . HOT WATER!!  That would have been nice to know a year ago when I was here for 3 months!!!

Around Port Barton.  Great to see families having fun and kids playing outside!!!

Bye Port Barton – thanks for giving me so much!!  See you next time.
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