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Wah Wah

Still here in Vancouver.  Didn’t make it onto the first flight : (  We waited around until the last minute and found out what the process is.  Basically, you stand around nervously with a group of other people that are hoping to get on the flight.  Eventually some guy . . . . . lets call him the magic ticket master . . . . shows up with a bunch of tickets in his hand.  The magic ticket master then proceeds to call out names.  If your name is called you do a fist pump as you grab the ticket from his hand and proceed to check in.  At the end, the magic ticket master tells you that if your name isn’t called, there is no way you are getting on this flight, but to try again later.  From there you try not to make eye contact with the other defeated contestants because you don’t want them to see the look of disappointment on your face that you assume they have too.  That, and it’s now 3AM and you don’t know if you can handle the prospect of sleeping in the airport for the next flight that doesn’t leave until 3:30 in the afternoon.

So, we wussed out a bit and ended up getting a hotel room.  We just knew that no sleep would be occuring at the airport, and didn’t want to have a total meltdown due to lack of sleep if we are once again denied by the magic ticket master.  We also found out that the first agent we talked to when we booked in was wrong.  He told us that the flight this afternoon is wide open.  According to the later agents and the magic ticket master, the flight is actually oversold.  AAAAACCCCKKK.  So, we have learned our first lesson from these zed fares (we’re newbs . . . . . that’s what we should have expected coming in), always come in with a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, and possibly even a Plan D.  We came in only with a Plan A, so most of today while we wait to see if we can get going with Plan A will be trying to come up with a Plan B and if possible a Plan C.  Wish us luck!!  


  1. too bad! glad you're getting some sleep though. nothing worse than snapping on some poor person due to stress + no sleep.
    good luck tomorrow!!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous

    Good luck guys! -Jess

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