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That’s It . . . . . For Now!!

We are currently at the airport on the way home.  This journey/adventure has officially come to an end, but in keeping with my New Year’s theme of ‘closure & new beginnings’, I know there will be some new and exciting things coming up in the next few months.  I’m sure I’ve already said it, but these experiences (both the Philippines & Hawaii) have been amazing.  I am so thankful that I did this for myself, that I had people that were supportive of me doing it and that I had the means and ability to do it.

Our last couple of days, we continued to stay pretty close to home base.  We were discussing how lucky we were to be able to stay with uncle Larry & Auntie Sandi.  Not only did they take amazing care of us, but we got local knowledge (thanks also to Joelle & Jared who also gave us some good advice), and we got to experience the ‘real’ Hawaii as opposed to the more sheltered resort experience (that we got a small taste of when we went to the big hotel for the Luau).  We basically went  back to places we had been before doing a lot of swimming and snorkelling (the snorkelling here has been amazing compared to the Philippines) and just wandering around.  
We did go to one new place that Sandi had taken us to briefly last week.  It was an unmarked area where the highway crosses a lava tube to the sea.  It was very cool.
So . . . . we’ll leave you with some last few pictures as we make our way back to cold Canada : (  I anticipate it being a shock to my system along with going back to work on Monday.  But, I guess that’s just the start of our next adventure!! 
P.S. If anyone wants to help me with the adjustment, feel free to have me over for a dance party, a night out for karaoke, come over and I’ll attempt to make some mama spice cake or piña coladas, get me outdoors to do something like snowshoeing, or anything else you can think of.  I’m looking forward to seeing you all!

The tube is right along the highway.  Only a couple of other cars stopped in the time we were there.

Brian found a small hole to go exploring in . . . . .

. . . . . but then got freaked out and came out.

Stopping for some yoga streaking

My last new experience on this trip. Another first.

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