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Big City, Bright Lights

The 4 girls headed to Puerto Princesa for the weekend.  3 of us had to renew our visas and the fourth person just wanted a change of scenery.  Kirsty brought the boys and stayed at a different hotel, so we didn’t see them much. So, it was a girls weekend on the town. 

After being in Port Barton for this long, Puerto Princesa was pretty overwhelming. There are few motorized vehicles in PB, while PP had total traffic. I’ve taken to not wearing shoes in PB (I’m walking on the beach most of the time and even when you do walk on the street it’s not a big deal), so it felt a bit strange to always wear shoes in PP.  There’s limited electricity in PB while PP had flashing lights and activity always happening.  To add to the sensation overload, they have a big, brand new mall where we shopped and went to a movie. It felt like I was in Vegas!!
I actually didn’t take too many photos (too over stimulated?), but we did get around a bit. We renewed our visas (and the girls at the Immigration office were pissed that the Philippine Embassy in Calgary did mine wrong), had lots of good food, got money (there are no ATM’s in Port Barton), did some shopping, went to an organic place in a town outside Puerto that makes body products, went to a movie and just generally did the things and ate the food that we can’t do or get in PB. 
It was a nice change of scenery, but it was also kind of nice to come back to the quiet life. The really bad road is definitely something that would deter me from making that trip every weekend, but to be honest, there’s nothing there that I can’t live without here (even with the lack of mangos). At this moment I’m just grateful to have this beautiful, peaceful environment that allows me to fully focus on yoga and on myself. 
Our chariot and driver await. 
We have to endure at least an hour of this. 
Why doesn’t Port Barton have this abundance?
Entrance to Lawiswis Organics. It was an adventure to get here as it is in a town outside of Puerto called Irawan. We were directed to a Jeepney and had no idea where we were going to from here or where to stop. The Jeepney driver got us there and arranged for a pedicab to take us the rest of the way. It’s awesome how nice Filipino people are!
Nice to be out of the hustle of Puerto. 
If anyone’s in the area I would highly recommend making the trek here. Products are natural, organic, made on site and inexpensive (compared to home).

I took a picture of the shop people’s daughter and showed her the photo. She was obsessed with getting her picture taken after that : )
Out on the town for some “real” food that didn’t involve brown rice. 
Ice cream at the mall. Good thing I broke the fast awhile ago, so my system could handle this!

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