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Sunny California

My wish for warm weather has been granted and LA and area is experiencing a heat wave. It has been anywhere between 28-33C for the past 3 days.  It has been great, but it is also a bit exhausting when you’re out all day with nowhere to escape (… well there are places, but we’re not very good at relaxing and just finding somewhere to sit back and chill when we’re on vacation!)  3 months in the Philippines and I never burned. Less than a week in SoCal and I’ve fried!

On Tuesday we headed over to Universal Studios. We were a bit torn between going here or going to Disneyland for B-Rod’s first major theme park experience. Most people recommended Disneyland, but we didn’t want to spend more then a day at a theme park and we kind of figured part of the fun of Disneyland would be going with kids to experience their excitement. So, AJ & Maleah … tell us when you’ve convinced your parents to take you because we’re tagging along!!!  Universal was perfect for us. Took less then a day and by the time we had gone on all the rides, seen the shows and did the tour, we were ready to get out of there. 
The past couple of days have been touring around the Santa Monica/Venice area on bikes. We planned to go to Hermosa beach, but it was just too far under the relentless heat of the bright sun. We rented bikes on the first day until we realized they actually have bikes here at our place for us to use – doh!!  B-Rod’s arse was sore on the bike today, so he probably wouldn’t have lasted for two days on that bike anyways. 
Our first Universal Studios activity. The line was moving pretty slow, so there were a couple of ladies behind us who would get freaked out by someone jumping out to scare us, so they kept slamming into us while screeching. Good times. Since this wasn’t actually a ride, B-Rod’s first ever theme park ride was …
Kind of funny since this is a show he can’t really stand. 

Can you spot B-Rod?
Found ourselves back in KTown on the way home. You know what that means … Korean feast for supper. 

Day 1 on our rental bikes. 
I played it safe and stuck to the paths. 
B-Rod chose to go off roading
I bet he was missing Todd at that moment … it’s “just not the same” with me!!
We stopped along the way for some water and caught a pod of dolphins just off the shore. That was pretty cool!
Day 2 of bikes took us along the Venice canals. That was an interesting area.  It was a bit nicer when we passed through on our way back as the tide was up, but we were just too hot and tired to stop for more pictures!
Came across a farmer’s market along the way – YES!! and …
… a reminder of my “other home” (the pic may not be clear, but the street sign says ‘Palawan Way’)

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