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Waiting for DawnO

For some reason I don’t feel ready for this trip.  Usually, I’ve done extensive research (to the point where I start to drive myself crazy), I have various options, I have a skeleton plan and I have a few backup ideas in case those plans don’t work out.  But for some reason none of that happened this time.  It wasn’t because I wasn’t excited.  (spoiler alert) Now that I’m here, I’m glad to be here and that it has panned out, but I’m still not quite sure why the initial planning didn’t happen.  Maybe because I was so focused on my yoga stuff – I’ve been further developing chakra classes, I had a chakradance course that I was finishing up and I had other ideas around how I want to teach and what other offerings I want to put more focus into in the future.  Maybe because I didn’t have any set flights and that kind of made me nervous, so I avoided thinking about it by not thinking about the whole thing.  Maybe because it feels like it’s been awhile since I traveled to some place that I haven’t traveled to before.  Or maybe it’s because my focus for this trip is the retreat that I’m going on, that I didn’t really feel like I’d be exploring the country so much as I’d be doing work on myself.  I guess whatever the reason, it doesn’t really matter.  I’m here, I’ve made it on my own for the first night and though it hasn’t always gone smoothly and I’ve made some mistakes along the way, I’m doing it!!  It’s scaring me, but I’m still doing it!!  

Got to the airport this morning and didn’t have high hopes about making it on the flight.  The customer service agent kept stressing how the flight was full.  I was actually kind of nervous either way.  If I didn’t make it, I would be nervous about when I would actually get on a flight.  If I did make it, I wasn’t sure where I was going to go or where I was going to sleep.  All this time being nervous and it ALWAYS works out . . . . . why can’t I learn this life lesson already?  Made it on the flight (there was actually a seat free beside me and in one in front of me as well), got into Guatemala city, made my way to a shuttle and before I knew it I was in Antigua, and I had a place to stay.  Spent most of the day just wandering around.  I think I need to take DawnO’s lead and learn Spanish already – the very, very basics don’t really help that much!  So, enough of the rambling and onto some pics!

Do I look nervous as I wait for my name to be called?

I did it!!  I got on a plane.  Standby does work after all!!

I even had a window seat and got to see some pretty cool things along the way.

Guatemala airport is actually super nice.  The last I’ll see of an airport for awhile (which is ok since I had my fair share in the last 2 days)
Wandering around Antigua was pretty cool . . . . . DawnO & RobO, you’re going to have a fun time getting to know this place!

Hey B, there’s a sign inside for motorbike lessons.  Should I do it?

This shot is nice, but . . . . .

. . . . it’s a bit nicer from the other side with one of the volcanoes in the background!

Stopped for lunch at this little hole in the wall which appeared to be a “local” place.  Only 3 small tables (I ended up sharing with this cute older Spanish lady . . . . . Spanish speaking skills would have come in handy here!)  What I love about finding the local places is that they are not only cheap eats, but they are usually the best eats.  That was the case once again here.

All  this for less than $3!!
I also found these along the way – sorry Piddy, but they didn’t have chilli peppers (or was it hot sauce) on them.

The Easter celebration is a big deal here, and I think I came across a few of the floats that will be in the procession.

Sun shining on a new adventure?  What better way to start out!

I’m meeting my friend DawnO in another city tomorrow.  We have a couple of days before we start our course/retreat.  Want to read about a trip from two different perspectives?  DawnO also has a blog (her and RobO are the people who inspired us to start this one), and it is guaranteed to get pretty exciting as she will be travelling and doing cool stuff for the next SIX months!!  You can check her site out at  B-Rod may also have a few things up his sleeve while I’m gone, so possibly expect to see some of his stuff sprinkled throughout as well.  Three trip reports, two blogs makes for some pretty exciting tales.  Stay tuned to find out more : )
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