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Rocking it in Moab

So, RB is bugging me to get a post out, so I figure the best thing to do is just that. I booked some vacation time to get down to Utah, and since I missed out last year due to training, I now have my chance to get down here. Sadly, I was to go it alone again, and I honestly didn’t know until the morning I left, if it was to be Utah on the dirt bike, or Arizona on the new-to-me 950 Adventure, and even had the GPS loaded for the Arizona Back Country Discovery route (ABRDR). There are half a dozen western states that have these routes, designed specifically for bigger dual sport bikes, and I figured Arizona would have the most favourable weather in April. Nah, I want to ride the 530 in Utah, and planned to head to Green River, and do more of the less risky riding, but with mind blowing backdrops and flowy trails.

I made it to Salt Lake city, grabbed a motel, and headed to a giant motorcyle parts store to grab a few things. When I showed up at the shop, I parked on the road, right behind the familiar (to me) Kamloops school bus. It is a big blue Thomas school bus convertetd into a dirt bike adventure bus. Theseguys take it to Baja every year, with eight guys, eight bikes, and all of their gear. I had also met the guys at the annual Kamloops organized ride, of which I have attended twice. They asked if I would like to join them, since it is always safer, and definitely more fun riding with a pack. This time, the bus had seven guys, with two more driving themselves here from the coast, and I became the tenth.
So far, we have ridden three days, and I have to say, that despite my taking my own riding to the next level, I am a bit sore. I plan on ridiing with them for two more days, and I’ll follow this post up with a better one once I actually have wifi.
This is the whole gang. I am the youngest, but definitely the least experienced of the bunch. It is quite the eclectic bunch, some are rich, some not as much, some are retired, others not, but they are solid guys, and they have made it abundently clear, I am one of them now. 
L to R, Bruno, Ross, Muuray, Jim above Rob, Reid, Wayne, Terry, myself and Hugh. 
Wayne and Reid have been doing all of the cooking, and it is straight up gormet!! Truly
I feel bad, because this was one obstacle that none of use could manage, and I suggested the most likely line to Hugh, one of the best riders, and it didn’t pan out so well.
more later . . . . . . 


  1. Rocky Rocky

    Yeah!! Glad it worked out well, you found a tribe AND there are actually pics of you for a change 🙂 Ride hard!!!

  2. Pics look amazing. The smiles speak volumes!

  3. Ride on!!
    Pretty cool looking shots!

    Glad to see you're an official blog follower now!

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