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Smooth Sailing to End This Chapter

Thanks to some smooth sailing with standby flights, I am now home and have ended the Guatemala chapter of my travels.  It was almost too easy . . . not that I’m complaining.  My first few experiences with international standby have been a bit rocky, so I tend to be a bit cautious and not assume that it will work out how I plan it will work out.  But, this time it did.

My last day in Guatemala was a long one, but a good one.  We were up at 3:45AM for the sunrise tour (you already know how that went) and spent the morning at Tikal.  From there we headed back to get showered and packed up and just relax a bit before figuring out some more ways to waste a bit of time as we wanted to head back to Guatemala City on another night bus.  We spent some time in Flores (a nice touristy town close to Tikal and close to the bus station), having some happy hour drinks, catching up on our internet contact with the outside world, wandering around, watching an amazing sunset and having my final Guatemalan meal.  It was a really good day and a nice way to end my time in the country.

We boarded the night bus at 9:00PM and arrived in the city at 5:00AM.  Yes, an ungodly hour, but I was happy to arrive early to give me some time to get to the airport and figure out if I could get on my Plan A flight at 8:00.  I said goodbye to DawnO & RobO and caught a taxi to the airport.  The airport was crazy, but I made it through security on time (though my bag was chosen to be searched, so he unpacked everything and ended up confiscating my candle!?)  Just before the LA flight was ready to board, my name was called.  Not only was I on, but I was in seat 1B . . . a premium seat!!  I had heard about this happening on standby, but have yet to experience it.  I was pretty excited.  I boarded the plane first, got my bags stowed, sat in my extra wide seat, accepted a mimosa that the flight attendant offered me (I could have champagne, a mimosa or orange juice) and was just about to rip into the package for a blanket so I could snuggle up when a customer service agent came over to me.  She let me know that there was a mistake in their system, and I was given the wrong seat.  I was being booted back to “regular” class.  I knew it seemed too good to be true.  So, I went back to my other seat, taking my mimosa with me!

I landed in LA with an hour and a half to spare which was good because I had to get through security and catch a bus to make my way to another terminal to hopefully catch my flight to Calgary.  I got to the gate as the flight was boarding and was told that it was a full flight, so I would have to wait until the last minute.  Again, luck was on my side (for me, maybe not for the people who missed their connection whose seat I got) and I got on the flight.  I was put in a Plus seat, and this time was not booted to the regular class.  Good times!

B-Rod was nice enough to jump in the car the minute I left LA and we pretty much got into Calgary around the same time.  As we were driving home, I was greeted by an amazing sunset on the prairies.  You’re right RobO . . . . prairie sunsets can be spectacular!!  Seemed like a perfect way to end this chapter of travels.

Hanging out in Flores

My last Guatemalan sunset

Last meal . . . . Pupasas : )

Yeah!! B-Rod came to pick me up : )

I was sent off with an amazing sunset in Guatemala and greeted by one just as spectacular in Southern Alberta.  Yep . . . . life is pretty, pretty good!


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