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Transitioning Back

I have spent the past couple of nights in Panajachel, and will be boarding an evening bus this afternoon to head to Tikal. We leave at 4 and arrive in Flores at 6AM tomorrow. That should be an interesting adventure!

My last morning in San Marcos was really nice. Ended with a nice breaky, did some errands, ended up having a chai date with a fellow Canuck I had previously met at a workshop, followed by a beautiful boat ride across the lake. It was a nice way to end that part of my adventure. The moon course was an interesting experience and I got a lot out of it, but it was definitely not easy. I will not miss my tiny pyramid where I had to scooch around to get dressed, the (often) cold, single stream showers, the wondering if we will have enough water and who will step up to get the next bottle and especially sharing a kitchen with 20+ people!  Nothing is perfect though and the challenges and obstacles just make us appreciate all the other things and I am definitely grateful that I get to have experiences like these!
I arrived in Pana just as the Easter Rush was leaving – Easter is the second holiday after New Year’s here (FYI I didn’t go out and about in town during the Easter weekend, but DawnO did – check out her blog ( to see some pretty cool things that were going on). I met up with DawnO and RobO where we proceeded to (possibly?) overdo it on the street food. Probably not the best idea after having done a cleanse/fast. My guts did punish me later that night, but I was lucky. Poor DawnO was out for the count for the whole day yesterday. So, we took it fairly slow which was fine with me. I think I needed to take it slow just to readjust and reintegrate into “regular” society.  Looking forward to moving on and seeing Tikal. It’s quite a distance away, but from what I’ve been told it’s a must see when in Guate. 
Final Moon course shots (which I do not take credit for – a course mate Mariel was kind enough to share them with us)
Some of my course mates
A scene from the breath workshop
We’ve entered the temple : )
Waiting for chocolate drinks at a cacao ceremony
Supper rush
Sadly, signs that had to be posted after about week 2
Before the closing ceremony. Yes … we all had to wear white. No … I did not join a cult!
Scenes around Pana. There were no beer dudes the last time I was here!
This is for you Piddy!
I’ve never had my coconut cut like that before!
Ahhhh. The small joys
Hello again Pupusas 
There is only one place that Nacho is going … in RobO’s belly!
Final sunset over the lake. Not too shabby!!

One Comment

  1. I concede. You have a stomach of steel!!

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