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I AMsterdam

It wasn’t forecast to rain quite as much today, so we figured we’d blend in with the Dutch (I guess B-Rod already does), and navigate the city by bike.  Instead we ended up getting a scooter.  B was the designated driver who doubled me on the back.  With scooters in Holland, if they have a blue license plate, they will only go a maximum of 25 km/hr and are essentially considered a bike.  They follow bike rules and can ride on the bike paths.  If they have a yellow license plate, they go faster, follow the rules of cars and ride on the street.  We had the “bike” category scooter and it was baffling and a bit strange for B-Rod to be riding on the bike path with the bikers.  It also took some getting used to just how much “power” bikers have.  Pedestrians yield to bikers.  Vehicles yield to bikers.  In Amsterdam, the bike is boss, so with this power and at 25km/hr, we were able to cover a fair amount of ground.  

We didn’t really have any destination and just drove around to see what we could find.  We ended up at a Sunday market, went back to our favourite coffee shop for lunch and just took in the sights of the city.  The only problem is that it was fr-fr-freezing!!!  Luckily there was no rain (while we were riding), but a bit of a cold wind.  Anyone who knows me well knows I don’t do so well with being cold, so after a few hours it was time to get off the bike and get back to walking.Our plan was to have supper at the Indonesian place we ate at a few nights ago, but we showed up to find it closed.  The best we could find was an Irish pub (very disappointed).  This disappointing last meal was a bit of a sign that our time here has come to a close.  It seems to be turning into a tradition that our last meal is often far from our best meal.  Flights out on Tuesday aren’t looking so promising, so we’re going to try our hand at tomorrow’s flights.  Who knows . . . . maybe we WILL be eating at the Indonesian restaurant tomorrow!! 

The adventure for the day begins!  We spent a lot of time the first little while stopping to look at a map, until we decided to just go with it and ride!

B also spent a lot of time the wondering if he was doing it right : )

Found a Sunday market.  The Welcome Kroket was there to great us!

Other sites around the city.

Our favourite neighbourhood coffee shop.

The best cup of tea ever!!  Ever had one of those times when you really want something, but you can’t find it anywhere?  After becoming chilled to the bone, all I wanted was a cup of tea, and we couldn’t seem to find a coffee shop anywhere . . . . in Europe!!!

We could live here!

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