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Flight Deck, Tacos & Hemp Chai Lattes

Day 1 of the latest instalment of Rocky & B-Rod’s international adventures is off to a smashing start. Left the Hat at the crack of dawn and made our way down the highway filled with freshly fallen snow, slush and sometimes thick fog to arrive safe and sound at YYC.  The plan was to fly direct to Los Angeles first.  Discovered that there was only one seat available on the flight.  B made a few calls, worked his “magic” and was given permission to fly on the jump seat in the flight deck.  It was his first time getting to do this and said even as a pilot who gets to sit up there often, it was a magical experience.  I, on the other hand, was given the last remaining seat at the back of the plane by the bathroom.  I’ll just say I didn’t have as magical of an experience!!  However, I was grateful that we didn’t have to mess around with connections and we got on our first choice of flights.

Landed in LA around noon, and our next option for flights didn’t leave until 11:00PM.  We had spent some time in Santa Monica about a year ago so knew how easy it was to get there from the airport using public transportation.  So, after a bit of running around trying to get some money, find a place we could drop our bags, and other logistical issues, we were on the bus and on our way into town.  We didn’t get a chance to get down to the beach, but we did get a chance to get to an amazing taco place we had discovered on our last visit.  From there we hung out at a nearby coffee shop which we had also discovered the last time around.  B was happy with the coffee (being a coffee snob, that’s sometimes a difficult feat) and I was super stoked to have a hemp milk chai.  It was just as good as I remember it being the last time around.  We have often talked about how the Santa Monica area is somewhere we could see ourselves staying for a longer period of time, and even in the short time we were there it just confirmed that we still feel this way.  Definitely a nice way to spend the afternoon.

Headed back to the airport to try to check in for our next flight.  No line up and got a seat assignment right away.  Score!!  See you soon Australia . . . . in about 20 hours : )

Leaving Medicine Hat and winter behind for a bit longer!

B-Rod’s view from his super awesome seat on the flight.

Tacos!!  Not just any tacos . . . . . super, F@#$ing amazing tacos!!

They give nice tips too : )

Hemp milk chai latte?  Yes, please!!

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