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More Than Words

Living in a temple with spotty WiFi has forced this blog to be silent for a bit. I won’t lie when I say being away from technology, social media and outside contact for the most part is something that I actually quite enjoy. I’m currently in Chiang Mai and to say that I’m overwhelmed and unsettled at the moment is an understatement. From the peace and tranquility and few foreigners of the temple and region I just came from, to the hustle and bustle and numerous tourists of this city. It feels like culture shock. I also tend to do something that I think a lot of us that were raised in the west do (I don’t think I’m unique in this). I don’t give myself time to slow down, integrate and simply be with the resonance of an experience before I am off chasing the next adventure. I seem to have done that to myself once again. I started a massage course today but wish that I had given myself time to simply let the vibration of the last week continue to wash over me. Last week was powerful in so many different ways. I feel like I’ve changed in a subtle way. I feel like I’ve been blessed. I feel like I’ve been opened. But I also know that the real challenge is the coming back to “regular” life. It’s easy to feel changed and blessed and opened when you’re in a tranquil environment, hearing monks chanting numerous times a day, meditating in a group and surrounded by people who have dedicated their lives to wishing the world well and sending out positive vibrations. The work is keeping even a small piece of this back in the outside world. So, since I didn’t give myself time to integrate, I will use this forum to allow me to reflect and remember and document some of my experiences. Over the next little while, I’ll share with you some of the things that we did, saw and had the privilege of taking part in. Maybe, just maybe, it will help me to keep even just a little bit of this positive vibe/glow.✨✨😃 ✨✨

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