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Hangin’ with the Homies in Haida Gwaii

How are you with endings? I have a bad habit of doubting and questioning myself (which I am in the process of changing!) especially after things have ended (remnant disadvantage of being a recovering overthinker!) As I sit here reflecting on our time in Haida Gwaii, the questions started to come in . . . . Did I take advantage of our time? Did I appreciate things as much as I could have? Did I fully stay present? Did I focus too much on how often I had to wear sweaters (it’s not the ideal climate for an already cold-blooded person) or how itchy I always was (the no-see-ums ate me alive daily while barely leaving a mark on B-Rod). Instead of going down that road, I’ll focus on the magic that I DID experience and that I DID appreciate about this area of Canada. But first . . . an update.

We were waitlisted on a ferry crossing for July 30 and got upgraded to standby a few days ago. Long story short . . . . we were the last vehicle allowed on (there were others that got turned away). There were many adventures on this crossing including a medical emergency, a departure time of 2:30am (which didn’t end up actually leaving until about 6am), engine issues we found out about later that we both slept through, a family shower room we discovered (we do love finding shower rooms in transport hubs) and an awkward yet funny interaction with someone in previously stated room involving a song. But those stories, my friends, are for in person tellings, so be sure to ask! 

Back to Haida Gwaii. This is a magical area with part of the appeal being its rugged rawness and (ironically) the effort it does take to get in and out leaves it with a natural untouched beauty that is difficult to find elsewhere. Some of the things we appreciated and loved the most about our time here included:

The Haida culture – though we only learned a small portion about this nation on this trip, they have a fascinating history and way of life

The Haida Gwaii museum in Skidegate was so interesting.

The old growth forests – so magical and walks you could never tire of

The eagles and ravens – we truly loved seeing and hearing these birds everywhere

Who needs bird cutouts when you have the real deal?
Hard to see and a crappy pic, but if you look very closely, you’ll see a tree full of eagles!!

The ocean and rivers – remember how we are water babies?!

Port Clements dock
Balance rock along the highway
Tlell River
Frolicking time

The peeps – People come and go through your life at various times. I’m realizing it’s ok for some people to fade away and that certain people are good at certain times. But, there’s some peeps that no matter how much time has passed and no matter how much or how little you talk over the years when you are eventually reunited, it’s comfortable, easy and like being with your chosen family. Grateful for this time with one of those kind of peeps.

Gained more of an appreciation for Hank during this time AND . . . . . if I could have stolen Copper I would have (and apparently one of the boys was disappointed that we didn’t 😝)

Thanks for EVERYTHING Putters!! Let’s not let so much time pass next time! ❤️

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