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Quiet Weekend

Didn’t get up to much this weekend, but it was exactly what I needed.  Was really hoping to sleep in, but the boys next door got up early (their mom went to Puerto Princesa) and I don’t have ear plugs : (  Otherwise I spent time on the beach catching up on some reading, teaching the boys card games and visiting Joy.

Today I went back through the jungle to the Yoga Shala to work on some of our yoga homework we have.  It was a bit weird treking through the jungle on my own (especially since I did see a snake when we were out there at the end of the week – sorry Piddy).  Did my yoga, had a snack, then walked further along the coastline as I was told that 2 beaches over was a beautiful white sand beach.  I found it (soft powdery white sand) and had a swim, then headed back.  On the way back these cows appeared out of nowhere and I was just following behind them.  Piddy, be sure to let Mike know I’ve now done some cow herding in the Philippines!!
Back to class again tomorrow at 7:00?  at our place?  Who knows, anyone’s guess is kind of how it rolls around here.  
Treking out past the yoga shala.
Beautiful beach, but not the one I’m looking for!
I found it!!
Where did you guys come from??  
Herding my cows.
It appears that this is their home . . . . . . lucky!!

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