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Lesson Learned

I will be the first to say that I am spoiled and extremely lucky to have the opportunity to travel and get away as much as I do. However, I am also the first to express extreme gratitude, be super extra appreciative to everyone and everything that allows me to have these opportunities and savour every moment of these adventures. At my core, I’m an explorer, and through this journey of life I’ve made decisions (whether conscious or unconscious) and set priorities that have made this adventuring what it is today. One of these priorities is trying to celebrate my birthdays by doing what lights me up – travel and exploration. This year, it may have just been for a couple days, but I was so excited to get away with B-Rod!

When B-Rod and I were in Portland several years ago, we saw a movie in the auditorium of an old elementary school. This school had been converted into a hotel, bars, restaurants, meeting rooms, etc. We thought it would be a cool place to stay and decided the next time we were in Portland, we’d stay there. It took a few years, but when this birthday rolled around, we decided Kennedy School would be the focus of our adventure and my celebration.

If you’re from our generation, there is an immediate sense of familiarity from the moment you walk into the hallways – the feel of the floor, the sound of the creaks and the smell will bring you back to elementary school days!
Our room was a former classroom.
We ate in the former cafeteria.
Had drinks in the boiler room.
Watched shows in the former auditorium.
Went for a dip in the former courtyard which is now a soaking pool . . . .
. . . . and is a good place to do yoga?!

A lot of our time at the school was spent wandering around looking at the different art work. They varied from being funny and amusing to just a bit eerie and creepy!

This room looks familiar . . . . .
Wait . . . . . What???!!!

Though we spent a lot of the time at the school (where I did sleep soundly and didn’t hear or feel anything that went “bump” in the night), we did get out and do a few other things around the city.

Of course we ate street food!
Satisfied B-Rod’s hunt for good coffee (which also involved motorbike memorabilia!)
Designated a doughnut as my birthday cake.
The “Old Dirty Bastard” seemed fitting for my birthday – covered in Oreo cookies and peanut butter. Because if there’s one day for overkill . . . it’s your birthday!
And just wandered around taking in the weird, wonderful, quirkiness that is Portland.

The highlight of my birthday . . . . Drag Queen Bingo!!! I noticed this event happening at Kennedy School (ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!) just before we left Kelowna. Unfortunately, the event was sold out and no amount of inquiring and informing that it would be my birthday seemed to sway anyone in favour of me getting tickets. I’ll make a long story short by saying an hour before the show started I was able to get in contact with someone who gave us tickets they wouldn’t be using. We also got these tickets for free (without having to tell them it was for my birthday!!)

Despite our best efforts at dabbing our boards with lipstick, neither of us won.

Still . . . we had a good time and met Poison Waters. Happy Birthday to me!

The first time in the city, we credited Portland as being the place where we had . . . . . THE . . . . BEST . . . . breakfast . . . . . EVER!!!!! This is where the lesson comes in. We couldn’t remember the name of the restaurant we had gone to, so we went back to look at the blog post we had written about it. The description of the breakfast was there, but nowhere did we write the name of the place, where we could find it or even what neighbourhood it was in! After a lot of time wasted digging and looking and thinking we would never find it, the good news is we figured out the best breakfast was at Equinox restaurant. The bad news? It is now closed! 🙁

Lesson . . . . . reference the memorable places we’ve been to as that information may be useful in the future! (Though . . . let’s be honest, I doubt the lesson will be learned much after this post!! We’ll just say lesson learned for now.)

Highlights of this go round in Portland:

I’d say I’m very grateful for a pretty darn good birthday!! Thank you Portland!

One Comment

  1. Piddy Piddy

    OMG…that powdered soap! I have a vague distant memory of using that. That place looks amazing (even though it is probably riddled with ghosteses!). Glad you had a good bday, buddy!

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