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Bye Bye B-Rod

Hard to believe it’s only been 2 weeks.  We started out unsure if we would make a flight, yet ended up being successful with all four.  We hit one country that both of us have never been to.  We saw rice fields, temples, sea creatures and elephants.  We walked many, many, MANY miles!  But now that journey has come to an end.  I’m not good with endings or goodbyes, even when the goodbyes are simply see you later’s.  The knowledge of the upcoming ending has distracted me from being worried about my first day of school today though!  With every ending comes a new beginning, and today we are embarking on our own separate adventures.  B-Rod just left to head to the airport.  He has a confirmed flight to Bangkok (what a luxury!!) and then he is back on the standby roller coaster.  I set out on my first day of school in a couple hours.  Even though beginnings can be exciting, they also come (for me anyways) with a whole lot of nerves and what if’s.  Wish us both luck!!

In the meantime, just a few pics of how we spent our last few days together on our excellent adventure.  Basically all of our travel comes down to three things:

1.  Walk A LOT to just see stuff and take stuff in.  I don’t even know how to use the transportation system here yet because we haven’t used it at all.

 These boots are made for walkin’  (at least they’re flip flops . . . socks and shoes are b#$** shiza!!)




Found a really nice park where we uncharacteristically just sat for a few hours
The last night was spent . . . . (wait for it) . . . walking through the gigantic Sunday market.
How many penises . . . . ?

2.  Occasionally do stuff.  Maybe it’s something that we’ve prearranged (not usual), or maybe it’s something we come across in all of our walking.

B-Rod couldn’t leave Thailand without having a Thai massage.  So, off we went and here we ended up.  2 hours each for $32 for the both of us!!  Yes it was in a room full of people, sometimes with men screaming on their cell phones, but I was able to tune it all out and just relax.  B-Rod actually said he enjoyed it (massages don’t usually do it for him), and he will always remember how inflexible he felt, and the giggle of his masseuse (in his mind it was because of his inflexibility?)



2. Eat food and try stuff (within reason!) that you can’t get at home.

We spent one of the nights on a street food tour, hoping to help me find things I can eat while I’m here.  There is a kitchen at my place, but when I can get meals on the street for $2-$3, I don’t really see using the kitchen for my suppers!  Though not a vegetarian, I don’t eat a lot of meat, and surprisingly it is a meatstravaganza here (better than the Philippines though . . . at least you can also get veggies!)








At least there are plenty o’ mangoes (I usually miss mango season when I go places)!!  Just in case that doesn’t last, my goal is to have at least one mango somethin’ somethin’ per day!
That concludes this chapter.  Thanks B-Rod for being the best travel buddy ever, for always making me laugh, for knowing how to calm me down, for putting up with the crazies, for always putting things in perspective and always making things fun (oh yeah . . . and for the flight passes!)  I can’t wait for our next adventure!
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