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Awesome Sauce

Yesterday at this time I was getting ready to go to a yoga class. My plan for the day was to get some things done on my “to do” list (I do love lists!), maybe go for a bike ride and welcome B-Rod home from his latest shift. 

Not long after I got back from yoga, I received a phone call. “I’m about to leave Vancouver. I can’t talk now, but get in the car, meet me in Calgary and let’s go to Kamloops. Ok. Bye”  Fun!!  Spontaneous last minute trip : )  So, after making a few phone calls, and working out a few logistics, I was on the road. 
After a three hour drive (if it wasn’t for that drive, we could have made the early flight and been at our destination by 2:00 … guess this is one reason for moving), a short wait at the airport and a one hour flight, we were basking in the warmth of Kamloops (there’s been a heat wave here which has broken temperature records. The temperature has been averaging 40.5C. Awesome sauce!!). These flight passes are going to be amazing!
We’re spending today in Kamloops, then tomorrow we’re tagging along on Rocky’s brother’s family’s camping trip to the island. We’ll be camping just outside of Nanaimo. I’ve never been to Nanaimo … dela frijoles!!!
This was my original plan for the day, but instead “……
… we hung out at the airport …
… landed in the warmth and smokiness (there’s forest fires going on everywhere in this area right now) of Kamloops …

… and got to sit on the deck and enjoy this view. This is the life!!

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