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Good Times in SoCal

We’ve been having a great time on our trip and have had no shortage of things to do. Thanks to those we consulted who were able to give us some great suggestions.  We see why some of you come back here often!!  
The past couple of days have included a farmer’s market, Koreatown (or KTown as it is affectionately called here), riding the bus & exploring different neighbourhoods, the hop on hop off tour bus and lots of good food (which is always a must for our vacations.)
Get an endless supply of fresh fruits and veggies at the farmer’s market, or … 
… just pick them off the trees in the neighbourhood. It’s not fair!!
We loved this area of town and it could have really been called Korea/Spanish Town. Now we get why there seems to be a fusian of Mexican and Korean food in this city. 

We ended up in some kind of flea market with Spanish and Asian vendors. It was super cool and pretty quiet. We weren’t really shopping, but if we were, they had everything from Levi’s shrink-to-fits, to brand name shoes, kitchen supplies and even a tempting photo studio. 
There were people grilling up stuff all along the way in KTown. We weren’t really hungry, but we couldn’t resist. Our first experience with pupusas – a food from El Salvador. Cheese, pork and beans fried inside a corn flour “pancake”/tortilla type thing – Yes Please!!
Tried to watch the sunset at the Santa Monica strip, but it was too freakin cold for me. B-Rod is getting tired of my complaining about how cold I am. That’s ok.  I have to put up with his car/motorbike talk : )
I was wishing I had her jacket!!
We love the bus!!
Today was all about taking in a bunch of tourist sights. 
It was finally warm enough to take my jacket off today … yyyyyyeeeeaaahhhh!!!!!

We didn’t last too long here. We knew what we were getting into, but it was still a bit much. It was like Vegas was … we had to do it to experience it, but we don’t need to do it again. 
A “highlight” was over by Rodeo Drive. We were on the bus and heard a fire truck approaching. It ended up they were chasing down this guy. It was a bike cop who finally took him down. I was confused as to why he was bothering to cover anything up!
Now … onto the food!
Kale breakfast bowl at the farmer’s market = heaven!

Getting B-Rod hooked on coconut breakfasts. 

Went to one of the restaurants featured in the Bourdain episode about LA, and specifically KTown. 
Delicious food, but the menu was a bit misleading which led to our table looking like this
We were stuffed stupid by the end and couldn’t even stand the thought of food. I was actually looking forward to the prospect of doing a brown rice cleanse with DawnO and whoever else wants to join : )
But, by the next day we couldn’t say no to the food trucks. Good food we can’t get at home … why would we say no to that!
We got off the bus just to check out this food truck row. 
Fish tacos, mango shake & rounds 2 and 3 of pupusas.

So far we’re loving this area. Looking forward to what the next few days bring. 

One Comment

  1. Food tourism!!! My FAVE, next to dirt bike tourism.

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