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Rain Rain Go Away!

It rained all day today, it’s cloudy tonight (so I can’t see the full moon) and I can’t sleep, so you get a blog post!  Today was the first day since I’ve been here that I have worn a long sleeve shirt during the day.

As you can see I’m not too happy about that.  Long sleeve shirt and no swimming?  Not the best day in Port Barton, but I really can’t complain when this is what I see at the end of the day from my porch!
Tomorrow is the last full day of the program.  Thursday is a half day, with possibly a wrap up party?  Hard to say.  Guess I’ll find out Thursday morning.  I’ll be leaving here on Saturday, but am not prepared to think about that yet, so I’ll just let you know some interesting things from my week so far.
We were never able to get a coconut climber to come to Deep Gold, so we didn’t do a coconut cleanse, but I have been able to continue with my coconut a day diet.  I ran out of coconuts that I had bought a couple of weeks ago, but the coconut gods have been looking out for me and have been providing me with coconuts.  I have graduated from young coconuts to the mature ones as when the young coconuts fall out of the tree they tend to break, but the mature ones seem to be able to survive the fall.  So, I had gathered some coconuts that had fallen around the property.  I had just the right number of coconuts for the number of days I would be here.  I leave coconuts on my porch which hasn’t been an issue in the past.  However, I came back from yoga class yesterday to find they were all gone.  Shiza!!  Someone stole my coconuts!!  I was a bit bummed about that, but then today while we were in class, I saw a coconut fall out of a tree and onto the beach, then I saw another one fall by the restaurant which led me to 4 more.  I’m back on for coconuts and now have more than I need – thank you coconut gods!
The second exciting thing that happened today was that I received mail.  David came to class this morning and handed me an envelope.  My parents had sent me a card for my birthday.  David was just as surprised as I was.  “I didn’t even think we got mail here” he said.  I know it is impossible to send mail from here.  I have a bunch of postcards from El Nido that I have wanted to send for ages.  I can’t find a way to send them let alone anywhere to get stamps.  So . . . . that’s why you haven’t gotten any postcards yet!
The final exciting thing for the day is I finally got some budbud.  Budbud is a Filipino snack that I love.  The last time I was in the Philippines, I was pretty picky about food (that was in my stupid youth days), so my lola (grandma) would make sure I at least had budbud to eat for breakfast on most days.  I’ve been asking about it, but people either don’t know what it is (turns out it’s called suman in Tagalog – budbud is the Cebuano term), or don’t know where I can get it.  When I was wandering the village looking for mangos this afternoon (which they don’t have), I ran into a guy selling budbud/suman.  I guess this day isn’t that bad after all.  
Courtesy of the coconut gods.
You’ve got mail!
Yummmmmy!!  Budbud/suman.
Forgot to mention Jack lost not one, but both of his front teeth this week.  Apparently whiteys get 100 pesos from the tooth fairy in the Philippines.
Oh yeah . . . . I guess it is almost Christmas!
This one is my favourite!



  1. I'm not sure if you thought 100 was a lot, as I think you've lost some perspective on worth. Enjoy your $2.40 Jack! That said, I'm sure 100 will buy quite a bit in P.Barton. Well, today is Thurs morn, . . . . you did it! I can't believe it's over already.

  2. I wish we had more traditional Christmas silos – they're awesome.

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