Didn’t take a lot of pictures this week, as we are starting to get into the groove of things, and Port Barton is starting to feel like home now instead of some place new to explore. Maybe that was one point of my dream . . . . . I need to continue to see things with fresh eyes! All of us have moved to Deep Gold Beach Resort, and we’ve returned our keys to our “town houses.” We started to do some of our classes here, and it’s been great to do yoga by the beach. Not sure if this will continue as the tourists are starting to roll in, and our place has started to fill up a bit. It’s actually weird to see other whitey’s on the beach these days!
Some of the highlights of the week include:
* . . . . .MANGOS. Mangos have started to show up at the markets. Not sure if this is a one off thing or if it’s a regular thing. I’m hoping for the latter.
* A coconut guy has stocked us up with a supply that should last for a bit. The trees are filled with coconuts, all of us are willing to put in orders for 20+ coconuts each, but for some reason it has been hard to find people who will get the coconuts down for us. Luckily that happened this week as we were all pretty low on our supplies.
* We wrote our first test. Funny how my first reaction when I got it back was to see what everyone else got (now I get my students’ reactions on test give back days). Funny how the competitiveness that has been drummed into us through schooling and society carries over into yoga!
* This week we focused on Anahata (Heart) Chakra which has a lot to do with our ability to give love selflessly. Paolo organized a karma yoga project to clean the roof in David’s house/studio, so a few of us ended the week doing that.
Joy and I are off to El Nido tomorrow. We’re not too clear on how to get there (there were a few different versions of what we need to do and what buses we need to catch). We’ve been told it could be a 4 hour trip, and it’s quite possible we won’t get there until the afternoon and will have to come back early on the next day (so not a lot of time there). But, we figure either way it will be an adventure.
This should last me for a couple of weeks.
I’m about to join the girls to help them learn the gayatri mantra as the sun sets. I’m taking this picture from my deck. How can I not appreciate the scenery and energy here?
oh ya!! mangoes and coconuts! enjoy!