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Slacking Students

Joy and I got back from our trip to El Nido yesterday.  We ended up staying an extra night, so we skipped classes in the morning, but we were back in time for afternoon class.  When we left on Friday, there was a whole kerfuffle with the jeepney – too long to get into here, but it’s basically the same problem we had with the transportation coming back.  Everyone seems to have different information, or we are told incorrect information.  For example, we were told to get a bus to Roxas and then there were buses that left from here to Port Barton every hour.  After living in Port Barton for more than a month, I can guarantee there is only one bus from Roxas to PB – called the Lion King!  I’m not sure if it’s because people don’t know and make up an answer or if it’s because people are just told different things.  Either way, it is frustrating!  However, I guess that’s part of the adventure of travel.  So, because of the problem with the jeepney, we didn’t get to El Nido until 3:30 PM, and had planned to leave the next day.  We decided that we were there, we needed to experience it and enjoy it – yoga could wait until later.  

There seems to be two things that are very well known in Palawan – the underground river (which I plan on visiting at some point) and El Nido.  It is definitely a tourist town, and there’s a lot more action than Port Barton, but there is a reason people come here – it is truly beautiful and the island hopping trips are amazing!  There are 4 island hopping tours simply referred to as tour A, B, C, and D.  Everyone has the same tours and everyone has the same prices.  We decided to start from the beginning and join tour A.  We set sail at 9 AM and were back by 4 PM.  In that time we visited a couple of beaches, did some snorkeling and went to 3 lagoons.  The lagoons were magical!!  Even though there were many boats that went to the same places, once in the lagoons you floated or swam around and felt like you were the only one there.  They definitely had special energy in these places.  
We also enjoyed the food (as there is not a lot of variety in Port Barton), and just really had fun with a change of scenery.  It was nice to get back to PB though, especially after the frustrating transportation home – I discovered that 17 people CAN be crammed in a 14 seat van (though in our cases not very comfortably . . . . but I’m complaining about first world problems here!)  Despite that we managed to make it back in time for classes in the afternoon.  
If anyone is ever in this area I would definitely recommend visiting El Nido.  Oh yeah . . . . . the guides on our boat told us that “Survivor” is currently being filmed on one of the islands, so look for that to air sometime in the next little while!
Starting our journey on the Lion King. 
Ending our journey in a cramped mini van. 

Arriving in El Nido and some of the views around town. 
El Nido beachfront. I look like I’ve been photoshopped onto a beach postcard!
A few steps later at happy hour. 
The view during happy hour. 
Yeah!! Pizza & beer : )
How do you like this restaurant mascot?  We actually had amazing falafals at this place : )

I’m on a boat tour!  PS. Joy had a crush on the Swiss guy beside me which is why he’s included in the shot : )
The lagoons usually involved climbing through some hole in the rock …
… floating on your back and …
… just taking it all in. 
What do a pair of yogi’s do when they go on a boat tour?
Goof around and try to get good “jump shots” and …
… yoga poses of course!

One Comment

  1. Coool! When I was looking at google Earth while talking to you about the lagoons, I was picturing something more like an atoll. I love the tiny yoga mats in the last picture. Just enough room for one foot. The jump shot appears to be poorly executed photoshop of two girls on a postcard. HaHa!

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