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Wet Yet Wonderful

It’s been a bit soggy during our time here in Amsterdam.  A couple days ago, the city got one month’s worth of rain in one day!  It not only pours down, but it is super windy which means umbrellas are turning inside out and no matter how hard you try, it’s almost impossible to stay dry.  Yesterday was a bit better with a couple of moments (not a lot) of sun peaking through the clouds.  So, we’ve spent a lot of time wandering around, but also finding things we could do inside.  This has included going to a few different museums (lucky we got a museum pass, as we went to places we might not have  normally gone to).  We got to see the inside of a couple of canal houses including one which had secretly been converted into a church when the Catholics were forbidden from practicing their religion, we did the Heineken Experience (because calling it a museum is maybe a bit too “boring” for a beer brewery), saw the inside of a houseboat, went to Micropia which was pretty cool despite learning about all the creepy crawlies that live on us and everything we touch, and went to the Dutch Resistance Museum where we got a better idea of why B-Rod’s grandpa went into hiding during the war.  I really wanted to go to the Anne Frank Museum which was recommended to me, but we just weren’t willing to stand in the 3 hour long line to get in.  That will be a next time trip.   

Despite the less then ideal weather, we’ve really been enjoying our time here.  When we travel, we often play the game . . . . Is this “my” place.  I think most traveller’s play this as I’ve had this conversation with one of my super traveller friends.  I don’t think it is my place, nor does B-Rod, but we both agree this is someplace we could see ourselves happily living for a period of time.  

One rainy city!


The church in this canal house was built using 3 houses and three stories.


The other canal houses were a bit more fancy!




Navigating the soggy streets of Amsterdam

The red light district.  You have to at least see it while you’re here.

The Heineken experience was packed!!  What better way to sit out the rain than with a couple of cold ones.






Also spent some time in coffee shops.  Despite not drinking coffee, I actually enjoyed a cup!


Some hints of sun and blue sky the next day (they usually didn’t last long)




More wandering around the streets of the city – often that’s the best part!



This vehicle is so small and “slow,” it’s allowed on the bike lane.

At one point, B-Rod went to pay for something, but couldn’t find his wallet.  We ended up back tracking for the next 1/2 hour trying to find where he may have left it.  Our wallets are very similar and I have 2 spots where my wallet usually goes.  Turns out he had put it down and I picked it up and put it in my other spot without realizing it wasn’t mine.  Glad I realized that mistake before we started cancelling stuff.  Oops!!  Sorry B-Rod!

B is obsessed with the contraptions that parents use to cart their kids around.  I think he’s just picturing what his life would have been like here with 7 little tykes fighting for space in this thing while his poor mom or dad pedalled them around.

Take that clostridium difficile!  I’m going to hang out on YOU for awhile!

Our day ended by trying some poffertjes.  B’s sister told us to have some for her.  B had no idea what they were.  Turned out to be “pancake sliders.”  How can you go wrong with that?


  1. Anonymous Anonymous

    Too bad you missed Anne! Next time for sure!

  2. I've been to many of those places too. It's a great city. It's worth it to go back and see the Anne Frank museum, especially if you've read the book.

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