B-Rod chopping up a storm to get some food ready to feed the elephants
Walking through the forest and just observing the elephants in their environment.
All of the mahouts were awesome, and you could tell had a love for the elephant they worked with. With this guy in particular it was obvious the relationship that he had with the animals and that they had with him.
This is Mali (mah-lee) and she was my favourite for a few reasons. All of the elephants have their own personalities, and Mali liked to go off on her own and just be by herself sometimes (just like me!) She is 40 years old (similar age range!) Her name is similar to my niece’s name and she was gentle and sweet just like my niece.
It was fun to watch the elephants cool off in the water and then later play in the mud.
“Hey Chopper, what are you doing?”
“Nothing . . . cooling off? What about you Pim Jai?”
“Just chilling. Tong Koon, whatcha lookin’ at?”
“Wondering what those crazy people are gawking at!”
These three were inseparable.
Our final activity was to go into the river to help bathe and rinse off the elephants. Most people just stayed closed to shore and used buckets to help them rinse off. B-Rod and I being water people jumped right in, interacted with the elephants and just cooled off in the river. It was only us and another Russian couple that actually dove right in, and we were the last to leave and get out.
Here we are once again with Mali. Prior to this, she just lay in the water, and enjoyed her head being scratched. They really do respond to touch.
makes my heart happy!! amazing!
Your smile in that one photo speaks volumes!
Mali looks like she's seen some stuff.
Awesome experience. Glad you could cross that off your bucket list.
Us too Trudy!! So amazing to be there 🙂
Crossed off our bucket list (if we had one) and something we would even do again!!