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Rocky Does Thai Food

Me and the lunch crew (not having a pajama party like B-Rod thought) in our “scrubs”.  Getting set to start week 4, and thought I’d dedicate this week to the Thai food I’ve been enjoying.  But first, some of the highlights from school this week.  

Week 3 was all about using Thai massage for therapeutic purposes.  It was interesting, but made me realize my interest and passion doesn’t lie here.  My strength isn’t helping people find the solutions to their physical problems.  There are good therapists out there, but I don’t think I’m meant to be one of them.  My intent was to use this tool for yoga in classes and in sessions with individual people to help them stretch out, see how they can expand and to relax.  In my personal experience, a lot of self healing (whether it’s physical, mental and/or emotional) happens in a state of ease and letting go.  One of my super powers is my calm energy, and this is what I bring to my Thai yoga massage sessions.  Of course, now I have some extra tools.  If someone shows up with a headache, I have some things I can try!  This week felt fairly relaxed to me.  Maybe we’re all just settling into the routine.  The last day we spent making and working with herbal compress balls (which I’ve never tried before).  I got a few pics at the beginning, but I think I already mentioned that cameras aren’t allowed in classes.  We are supposed to eventually get some pictures at the end of our program (that they take), so guess you’ll just have to wait until then : )

My scrubs/pjs are sitting and waiting for me every morning when I arrive.
After I change, I grab my mug (this week it was #18, next week it could be different) and have some tea.
At lunch, we head to the market and a few of us regularly go to the lady that makes vegetarian food.  She’s super nice and I’d refer to her as “lounch lady,” but then B-Rod & Jilly Putter would confuse her with our Costa Rica lounch lady 🙂
A few people change before they head out into public, but most of us don’t even bother.  Most of the time I forget that I still have my tape name tag still on!
Getting set up to make herbal compress balls
I haven’t been overly adventurous with food.  I do however favor eating at the food stands and “places with the plastic chairs.”  Not everyone here seems into that.  Maybe it’s because I have guts of steel and have never had any food related problems while traveling.  I’m sure it would probably be slightly different if a local place had made me ill, but so far in my travels, it is the places that the locals go to (which are far from fancy) that are not only the best, but also the cheapest. 
The food market by the yoga studio I go to that I usually end up at for supper.
The standard and popular go to . . . Pad Thai
green papaya salad
green curry and fried banana hearts
Fish curry in banana leaf
grilled pork salad . . . This one’s for B.  It was what he wanted for supper his last night in Chaing Mai, but it didn’t happen 🙁 
Different versions of khao soi.  This is a dish that is native to northern Thailand and northern Lao.  It’s a mix of different things and is a taste explosion!!  The first time I had it, it was a vegetarian version, so I thought I wouldn’t really like anything else (especially since I’m not usually a fan of eating “meat with a bone”).  I’ve been trying it elsewhere, and it has become my comfort food!  Love it!!! 
Another taste explosion . . . . fresh passion fruit juice!!
Thai iced bubble tea
donut things with pandang pudding
I don’t know what this fruit is, but it reminds me of my Lola & Lolo’s house.  I even ate it the last time I was there a couple years ago.  Mom some help . . . . what’s this fruit called?
Mango sticky rice in it’s various forms.  I hate to admit that I’m getting a bit sick of mango sticky rice, but I also know that my mango sticky rice days are numbered (for now!).  Tonight I was at a food market that I haven’t been to for a couple of weeks.  I passed by the mango sticky rice stand and the girl recognized me . . . . guess I’ve been successful in my quest to fill myself with mangos!


I was going to try to have a more relaxing weekend this weekend, but it didn’t quite turn out that way.  On Saturday, I went to a local studio for a full day workshop.  I’ve been attending this place for classes quite a bit and love the atmosphere, the teachers and the classes.  It was good to be on my mat and to be immersing myself in the philosophy of yoga. 


If any yogis find themselves in Chiang Mai . . . check out Wild Rose Yoga Studio

On Saturday evening, a few classmates and I went to a Kantoke dinner show.  Northnern Thai food and dances followed by fireworks.
The feast . . . . anytime a dish was empty, someone came by to fill it back up.

The company . . . Claire (Namibia), Yolanda (Holland), Karlijn (Holland) & me 


I call this the Freddy Krueger dance.




Most of the dances were quite slow moving and calm . . . . and then this guy came out.  He flailed and kicked around, and then . . . . . 

. . . . grabbed a bunch of swords and balanced them on different body parts.


Claire was eager to join in.

The show moved outside and there was a dance similar to the tinikling dance in the Philippines.

Then there was a spider lady with some weird/scary goat thing.

And then the flailing guy came out again with his swords and added fire this time 🙂

It ended with a fireworks display . . . . a bit different than I was expecting!

Jilly Putter . . . this pic’s for you!


Sunday was supposed to be my do not much day.  I woke up naturally around 6AM, so decided to make my way to Warorot market (a 30 min walk away) which is Chiang Mai’s oldest market.  Markets are supposed to start early here and maybe they do on most days except Sundays?  I got there and not many things were open!  So, I found something to eat and hung out by the river until things started to get going!
At that time of day, the monks are out for their rounds to collect alms.  It was a pretty cool to see so many of them in their orange robes.  I don’t quite know the etiquette for picture taking, so refrained so as to not offend anyone.  I guess some memories can just be kept in the mind. 

 The flower market seemed to be mostly open.



But not too much of anything else.  


So, I sat by the river which was quite peaceful at that time of day




Three floors of what I assume is chaos later in the day.




Every Thing Yummy??? Are you sure?!

 Just say the word Piddy . . . one of these could be yours!




On the way back, I stopped at some of the different displays that were set up around the city for Chiang Mai design week which is a yearly event for the city’s designers, students, craftspeople, entrepreneurs, etc. to basically showcase their stuff.  I also came across some other interesting stuff along the way.


Calgary has its cows . . . Chiang Mai has its elephants



Did I go in for a hug?   YOU BET I DID!!











I finally let myself unwind by having a massage (because I haven’t been getting enough of those!)  I treated myself to a 2 hour massage . . . . 1 hour Thai yoga massage and 1 hour herbal compress.  I’m going to say it was for study purposes!  It was one of the mid-range places, so it set me back $24, but was TOTALLY worth it.  


The after massage tea served at the spa.  I LOVE the mug!!  DawnO . . . . think you can make me one?!

I am now ready to tackle week 4!!!  



  1. I wish I was warm. . . I could even use a hug.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous

    It looks kind of like guava. Love the mug too. Was that a book the one little bear had? Glad you're relaxing, learning, and so much more. RL

  3. You know I ain't afraid of eating dead stuff. It's when they're alive that gives me the heebs!
    As for the rest of the food…nom nom nom!

  4. Nice to hear from you RL! You are correct, it has been confirmed it was guava. Also, it wasn't a book the little bear had, it was a picture of the king.

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